Yesterday, 25 November was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, with the purpose of visibilising violence against women and girls globally. It is intended to encourage…
Last Friday we followed a streaming of a meeting organised by Anuncios, our partners in the IX Commercial Film Workshop in Valladolid, and the creative agency Comunica+A about sustainability. We…
Our production companies are all-rounders and everything they do, be it commercials, short films, video clips or fashion films, they do it with a high quality that is awarded. And…
This week the El Ojo de Iberoamérica festival was celebrated, and in three days of an intense agenda full of conferences we couldn’t miss its renowned awards ceremony. We love…
Creativity and Business – E-DayE-Day is the Club de Creativos initiative that explores creative development and its implementation in business. From yesterday until 29 November, as a part of…
The platform ¡Publicidad, Sí!, an initiative promoted by the Spanish Association of Advertisers (aea) which includes the advertising sector in Spain and is made up of advertisers, advertising agencies and…
The London International Awards (LIA) has announced its winners and we are very happy to announce that our production company LANDIA was the winner of the award for Best Global…
Twentyfour Seven filmed a four-day shoot for Square. The “Para los que hacen” campaign was directed by Alex Hulsey and DOP Zack Spiger. The Production Club has been filming these…
This was the VII edition of Branducers 2021 Yesterday, the 7th edition of Branducers was celebrated in the Auditorium of Madrid Content City in a presential event, presented by…
We have already mentioned several times that during the IX Commercial Film Production Workshop we worked with two companies, Greemko and Creast, who helped us to measure our carbon impact….