11th Advertising Film Production Workshop: Johann Wald will open the 11th APCP Advertising Film Production Workshop!

  • Johann Wald will open the 11th APCP Advertising Film Production Conference!

Johann Wald will be back with us on the occasion of the XI Jornadas de Producción de Cine Publicitario. For the second year in a row, the presenter, actor and DJ will open the event and introduce each of the panel discussions.

Get to know him better! Wald discovered his passion for film sets at the age of 13 when Roy Hamilton, head of set construction at Shepperton Studios, brought him along as a translator while filming a beer commercial directed by Ridley Scott in the Guadix desert in Spain. A year later he found himself, during his summer holidays, on another shoot, this time, filming a pilot for a TV series, as an actor and assistant to Gregory Dark. Many will know Johann Wald from his work as a DJ/music presenter on channels such as MTV, Cuatro or TVE, and those who move between concert halls, festivals and decadent clubs will be familiar with his sessions as a DJ or music selector, as he defines himself.

Last year he surprised us with the question “How can we gain the power to capture attention?”, reflecting on the speed of new technologies and how we can awaken the imagination of the listener. Don’t miss it this 2023!

  • Discover our new sponsors!

As every week, we unveil the new sponsors and collaborators, who make this event possible:

Within sponsors we have Antiestático, Spiral Locations, Fight and Dos35.

In terms of partners, Seven Senses and Blua have joined.

  • A very curious Valencia.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), someone who is curious is someone who wants to “learn what they do not know”. Thus, curious people are always looking for answers to the questions they ask themselves. Life is full of things we don’t know, places with secrets and interesting customs. As every Friday, we travel to Valencia to discover it. This week we talk about some of the city’s curiosities.
“You’re on the moon in Valencia”. It is an expression similar to “estar en las nubes” (to be in the clouds) which means that you are an absent-minded person. The history of this phrase goes back to the times when the city of Valencia was surrounded by a wall and the gates of the city had a closing time. If you arrived too late, you could not enter the city. Hence those who stayed outside were told that they were in the moon of València.

The carpenters: the origin of the fallas. This is one of the most important festivities in Valencia. The carpenters would pile up the wood they were not going to use to burn it on the eve of Saint Joseph’s Day (19 March), the patron saint of carpenters.
“Trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria”: The first literary work to be printed in Spain was in Valencia. It is a collection of poems in Valencian, Spanish and Italian and a prologue in Latin. It came out of the presses of Lambert Palmart in 1474. This work is kept in the library of the University of Valencia.
1.  The largest aquarium in Europe is located in Valencia. We are talking about the Oceanogràfic de València, which has more than 100,000 square metres. Penguins, fish, spiders, walruses… Around 500 different species live together in this space. Among the species that live there, the only family of beluga whales on the continent in an aquarium stands out.

2. The narrowest façade in Spain and Europe is in Valencia. It can be found in the Santa Catalina neighbourhood (number 6 of Plaza Lope de Vega). Its façade measures 107 centimetres (from side to side) and is currently part of the restaurant “La Estrecha”. It is also considered the second narrowest façade in the world, surpassed by “La casa del Metro” in Brazil.

These are just some of the curiosities that València has, but there are many more. This great city holds many secrets that we will be discovering in the coming weeks…

Article by Paloma Garrido.
