Together we are better: which sponsors and partners have started the year with us?

By January 12, 2023 News No Comments

Taking as inspiration the quote “Individually, we are a drop; together, we are the sea” by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, we at APCP begin the year by highlighting the fundamental role of our sponsors and collaborators. The newsletter is a communication tool for the sector, something that would not be possible without them.

Together we improve the industry, something we could not have done separately. We hope that in 2023 you will continue to grow with us, allowing us to keep you up to date with the latest news and creating new opportunities for advertising film production companies.

Each of you counts: on the sponsorship side Valencia, La Rioja, Film Madrid, Bestours, Atmosphere, Aluzine, Creast, EPC, Estoy en Remoto, K is For Knowlege, Madrid Film Office, Mimetik, RIMS, Velvet and Zafarrancho. On the collaboration side we have Geseme and Nieto Pretel.

We hope that many more companies will join us in this common goal of moving forward.
