The sustainable alliance.

Sustainable advertising film production is a trend. All industries by law, by demand of their clients or by conviction of their own boards of directors, are concerned about their environmental performance.

The advertising production sector started a few years ago on the path of sustainability. Like all industries, the first steps focus on the obvious. In the case of a shooting, reducing the consumption of plastic and optimizing the transport of people are some of the actions that have been implemented. However, sustainable advertising film production goes much further.

Reducing the environmental impact of filming implies generating a transformation at different levels. For efforts to be rewarded, you have to plan, measure and make changes in a systematic way, knowing the environmental impact.

Audiovisual production, whether for film, television or advertising, has three well differentiated phases: pre-production, production and post-production. The pre-production and post-production phases occur mainly in offices.

Environmental impacts are mainly due to the consumption of energy and resources. Also transportation for the search of location scounting, for example. Most of these impacts translate into CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming (and therefore, climate change).

However, in the production phase, many impacts are due to the shooting process and the demands of the script. Shooting outdoors can have an effect on biodiversity.

A scene in the countyside movement of vans and people, clearing, emission of smoke from generators. In the worst case, forest tracks have been paved in order to transport all the assembly materials.

All these environmental impacts cause risks for the producers and condition their ability to carry out their activity. That is why it is important to try to reduce the impacts as much as possible.

Knowing the internal dynamics of work, optimizing transport or the distance between accommodation and locations are some of the keys to reducing impacts and sustainable production.

Achieving sustainability will be easier with a little help. Partnerships are key to this much-needed transformation.

But the allies are not only outside our organization. Training our teams and having an Ecomanager can help to incorporate sustainability in an agile way in the shooting.

The Ecomanager, as we already told you in previous blog posts, is a professional (that can already belong to the team) trained to identify and collect information on the environmental impacts of a production.

Based on this information, decision-making can be improved and sustainable advertising production ensured.

The change starts at the top, from the role of the advertiser who is the one who starts the pre-production process. The impacts are not only physical if not through the platforms, not everything is in the hands of production, but the training process is.

Learning and working every day to take care of our planet. Acting now and on a daily basis is vital for the future of our resources.
