Spain Audiovisual HUB: Twenty young digital creators from Spain and Latin America will participate in the second edition of Hack MAFIZ Málaga, part of Spanish Screenings Content.

By February 24, 2023 News No Comments

Twenty young digital creators from ten countries are the finalists who have overcome the previous creative challenges and will participate in the second edition of Hack MAFIZ Malaga, part of Spanish Screenings Content. During their stay in Malaga they will have to create an audiovisual piece and will have the opportunity to receive training and tutorials and attend talks and round tables given by renowned experts from technology companies, media agencies and platforms.

The finalists (see list at the end of the article) have been chosen from among 2,200 participants from 15 countries, who have had to solve three online collaborative challenges between October and January. Seven of those selected are between 18 and 24 years old, eleven between 25 and 34 and two are over 35.

During the Festival they will have to face the final challenge, whose concept is “Malaga and love (in times of Artificial Intelligence)”. In teams of four, the participants will have to produce an innovative 2-minute audiovisual piece using artificial intelligence tools to develop the concept and aesthetics of the piece. The results will be screened at the closing ceremony of the section on 16 March.

In addition, they will have training opportunities thanks to personalised tutorials by representatives of platforms, streaming services, technology companies and media agencies. Representatives from 2btube, El Cañonazo, Enchufe TV, Etermax, FireSport, Flixxo, Google, IAB Argentina, Inter-American Development Bank, La Maldita, Marsenda, Twitch, Twitter, VIS-Paramount, Sense of Wonder, Squarebox, YouPlanet, YouTube and ZAS Talent have confirmed their attendance.

As part of Hack MAFIZ Malaga there will also be a series of talks and round tables with renowned experts from the sector. The following round tables have already been confirmed: ‘The future of content, media and audiovisual audiences (and what will be the role of creators and communities)’, ‘The problems of the ecosystem of creators in Latin America and the Caribbean with regard to two factors, professionalisation and the digital divide’ and ‘What are algorithms and how are they influencing the audiovisual industry’.

With Hack MAFIZ, the Malaga Festival faces the sector’s challenge of reaching new audiences, who consume audiovisual content through very diverse channels and who have a community identity that requires a much more active dialogue between creators and content producers. The event thus seeks new spaces to regenerate audiences and dialogue with them and with the creators with whom they identify. Hack MAFIZ Malaga was created with this priority objective in mind, to offer the opportunity to make room for these creators, to meet them and see them in action, to make them coexist in a space of synergies with the different agents of the audiovisual industry.

The first edition of Hack MAFIZ Malaga, in 2002, was a great success, more than fulfilling the organisation’s objectives. There were 1,300 participants from a wide range of countries, including Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Bolivia and Ecuador, most of them aged between 18 and 24 (54%) and between 25 and 34 (31%).

Digital creators bring innovation to content production and in the area of distribution and editorial positioning to their community. Knowing and sharing their experience and knowledge opens a window to a differential and synergistic approach to new business models based on social media. Portability, fragmentation, co-creation, collaboration, self-distribution, monetisation and new narratives, among others, are key aspects in the identity of these new creators and also of the event that will bring them together in Malaga.

Participants Hack MAFIZ Malaga 2023:

Juan Alcaraz Manzanares (Spain), Diego Álvarez Parra (Uruguay), Laura Arias (Colombia), José Tomás Bastías de la Maza (Chile), Jessica María Cárdenas Espinoza (Mexico), Yanibel Díaz Collado (Dominican Republic), Sandra Gallegos Alsina (Spain), Juliana Ianniccillo (Argentina), Lautaro Kiel (Argentina), Luis Lambert (Venezuela), Javi Martín (Spain), Allan Merayo (Costa Rica), Christian Elena Molina de la O (Mexico), Sofía Nieto (Argentina), Christhian Guillermo Ramos Segura (Argentina), María Sáez Calvo (Spain), Candelaria Solomita (Argentina), Sofía Isabel Squittieri Gómez (Argentina), Álex Ygoa (Spain), Katya Zevallos Ynmenos (Peru).

Spanish Screenings is the programme for the internationalisation of the Spanish audiovisual industry that receives a new boost from 2022, taking a step forward in terms of diversity of content, generating thematic sections and with the vision of incorporating works aligned with the new audiovisual narratives, and to enhance the value of the entire professional chain of the Spanish audiovisual industry.

Thus its new format Spanish Screenings XXL is an international marketplace for Spanish audiovisual production, a project that grows in content and volume of activities to adapt to the new challenges of the audiovisual industry, and it involves the Ministry of Culture and Sport through the ICAA and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through ICEX Spain Export and Investment, the Malaga Festival and the San Sebastian Festival.

Spanish Screenings is part of the ‘Spain Audiovisual Hub of Europe’ component of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, promoted by the Ministries of Culture and Sport and Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

You can see the original article  on the Spain Audiovisual HUB website.

Source: Spain Audiovisual HUB,
