We present the Campaign of the X Production Days in Valencia: APCP WEEK – The Time to Acknowledge Our Value.

This week we have finally unveiled our APCP WEEK, the name given to the 10th edition of the Advertising Film Production Conference in 2022, which will take place in Valencia on September 29th and 30th.

Conceived together with &Rosàs and photographed by Celina Martins (by CANADA), the campaign ‘The Time to Acknowledge Our Value’ is the perfect scenario to bring together the sector and give value to the work done during a whole year, having as a backdrop the world of fashion and merchandising of our associated production companies. Just like the photo shoot carried out from this concept, the aim of the event is to meet again after two turbulent years to reflect, chat and recognize the work of all those who are part of the production of this country. Something to highlight because from the beginning we wanted this conference to be conceived based on creativity, inclusion and the importance of making projects with soul.

The shooting was made possible thanks to incredible sponsors: PUFF, The Production Club, &Rosas, Bendita profesión, TuSet, Vestidas para rodar, Rims Mobility, Lola Funes, Monday, Geseme and Montomery Kent.

Each week and in the different parts of the conference we will be presenting different collections of ‘The Time to Acknowledge Our Value’, so that you can see your next projects with the latest collection of the APCP producers.
