Recently, we were pleased to participate in the colloquium organised by IPMARK where we met agencies and production companies to discuss the challenges and opportunities that advertising productions will encounter in the coming months.
We analysed the reasons for the Audiovisual Advertising Production Process, the best practices document that we are preparing together with ACT and the Spanish Association of Advertisers.
The main points of discussion were:
- The call for “homogeneous and fair” competition, with no more than three production companies invited.
- The requirement to receive creative proposals which are realistic and viable in terms of cost and execution time.
- Transparency on the estimated investment in production.
The meeting began by saying that “Generalities are bad and in our sector even more so”.
Initially, the APCP arose from setting up a briefing, production design and contract model. But now it is a strong moment for the association and from that point, we have reached a consensus with the other associations.
Compliance with legal regulations has meant that the work of production companies has become more professional. Now production has changed, there are many production models, it is independent of the budget. It’s a question of trying to sort out the basics (talking about the briefing model), etc.
Talking about pitches, it was commented that some advertisers are opting for blind pitches. Everyone said that this is perverse and dehumanises the process.
The pitch enriches the project, it gives visibility to the production companies that an agency does not know as much about and the treatment models show the way a production company works.
For the production companies it is important to know how many production companies participate in the pitch to choose whether to enter the project or not.
It is important to regularise and have all the same information, there must be transparency. At this point, one agency producer mentioned that her system is to call everyone at the same time and all with the same information.
To summarise, the importance of transparency, the problem of the lack of time, the lack of resources, the lack of approved creatives and the lack of valid dialogue were discussed.
It was a very productive meeting for all parties involved.