Not much time left! Our APCP Advertising Film Production Activities at the Malaga Festival (will take place during the 15th of March) and we want you to join us! They are a great opportunity to get to know first hand the industry’s news and innovations, together with great professionals with extensive careers in the business.
The public institutions will inform us about Spain’s projection, as well as having interesting talks and workshops, such as film and advertising direction, the importance of lightning, Quevedo’s music video productions, J&B Spot “She” production, or “La Escalera”, Cervezas 1906 latest campaign. On top of that, we will also get to have the introduction of the El Sol Festival in Malaga. The talks and workshops are for everyone! From active professionals to students, we are sure that everyone will enjoy them.
Además, las charlas y ponencias están enfocadas a todo tipo de público: desde estudiantes a profesionales en activo, donde seguro todos disfrutarán.
You can download the programme and meet the speakers here.
Don’t miss it and join us in Malaga! You can sign up sending an email to this address.