This week we bring you the shootings of: Twentyfour Seven, The Production Club, The Gang, Primo, Mamma Team, Solworks, Somos5, Garage Films, Dos35, Antiestático, Albiñana….
Twentyfour Seven has left us images of a videoclip shot in Barcelona. It lasted two intense but fun-filled days. The directors are Three Shades Creative and DOP Ethan Lodge.
The Production Club has filmed this Thursday a spot in Barcelona with the direction of Dan Castella and Dani Robles from DOP.
The Gang passes us their latest on-air spot, 3 days of shooting in Madrid with client Schmidt, the agency Providence (BETC Paris), directed by Ezra Hurwitz and cinematographer Adri del Val.
Primo filming with Martin Jalfen. Producer: Victoria Piantini. Executive Producer: Pablo García Acón.
Mamma Team has shot in Barcelona for the Bayer España group and the Lola Barcelona agency. We were directed by Günther and the director of photography was Nauzet Gaspar.
Solworks has made a shooting for domino’s with the agency Sra Rushmore with the director Beatriz Sanchís, the dop Jorge Roig and the executive producer Rosina Belda. 3 days of Solworks Madrid.
Somos 5 brings us this shooting in Madrid with LOBO as director, producer: Sara Kieninger – Iván Arruza and Zaira Gordo with the pizza at the closing and in production!
Garage Films has shot the spot Lo inteligente es ir por libre, with the director: Sebas Alfie, the DOP Paco Femenía, the Executive Producer Kepa Vizcay, the agency Publicis and the client Digi.
Dos35 continues shooting a campaign with director Gabriel Alemán, this time recording scenes for VFX on a set and the voice-over that will accompany the spot. The production company is very excited about what is going to come out and are looking forward to showing it.
Antiestático sent us pictures from the shooting of the new videoclip “Te Darás Cuenta” by Pepe Vizio that we shot a few weeks ago and comes out tonight.
Albiñana has shot the new Aldi spot, with the director Nuria Tolos, the executive producer Isabel Guell, the producer Jordina Domench and the agency: DDB.