There are news from the Spain Audiovisual Hub, as the advertising films are also part of the current scene. We encourage you to take a look at their news blog. And now, to inform you about the latest news about the industry:
- 2023 Euro Connection call, the international short-film co-production forum
The current call has the goal of rewarding the 14 best european projects belonging to the categories of fiction, documentary, experimental live action or animation.
Fit for those producers that comply with the requirements described in the article L132-23 of the French Intellectual Property Code or any person requested by the producers (distributors, directors, co-producers, schoold, etc).
The next awards will be conceded:
- ‘Grand Prix’ (the director receives €5,000 and a Vercingétorix, the trophy of the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival).
- The Jury’s Special Prize (the director receives €4,000 and a Vercingétorix, the trophy of the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival).
- The Audience’s Prize (the director receives €4,000 and a Vercingétorix, the trophy of the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival).
Time period to enter the competition:
Those wishing to compete can hand in their applications from the 2nd of September until the 20th of October.
For more information visit this link to the Regulations.
- Call for the granting of subsidies for the holding of festivals, film-clubs, conferences, singular audiovisual events and projects, and associations for the year 2022
The goal is to make a call for the subventions aimed at the organisation of festivals, film clubs, cinematographic competitions, conferences, singular audiovisual events and projects, and associations for companies and professionals in the audiovisual industry from the Comunitat Valenciana. These must take place in the time period between the 1ts of December 2021 and the 30th of November 2022, as a means to promote audiovisual activities in the Comunitat Valenciana.
The potential beneficiaries of the subventions aimed at festivals, film clubs, cinematographic competitions, conferences, singular audiovisual events and projects are:
- The councils and other local entities,
- The entities of their instrumental public sector,
- The companies, associations and entities that organise festivals, film clubs, cinematographic competitions, conferences, singular audiovisual events and projects in the Comunitat Valenciana.
All these must have the necessary structure and administrative abilities in compliance with the project of activities handed in at the same time as the application.
Other potential beneficiaries are the associations for companies and professionals in the Valencian audiovisual industry that carry out their activities In the Comunitat Valenciana in a regular basis, which needs to be verified through the social domicile and the activities that must appear in the project handed in at the same time as the application.
The associations must deposit their statutes to the Deposit for the Statutes of Union and Corporate Organisations of the Comunitat in advance, or be registered in the Autonomic Register for Associations of the Comunitat Valenciana.
The total amount for this call is €589,000.
Time period to enter the competition:
Those wishing to apply for the subsidy can hand in their applications from the 2nd of September at 8:00 am until the 22nd of October at 23:59 pm.
More info:
- Link to the regulations and information about the call
- Online site to apply for subventions
Written by the Spain Audiovisual Hub
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