On the occasion of the appointment of Spain as guest of honour at the Marché du Film 2023, and with the aim of articulating the outstanding presence of the Spanish audiovisual sector at the Cannes event, different calls are now open for the participation of the audiovisual sector.
This Spanish focus will be developed thanks to the collaboration and promotion of the following entities: ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, and the Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales ICAA, together with leading organisations from the sector in each case: Festival de Málaga, Spanish Screenings, ZINEBI – International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Bilbao, and the International Film Festival of Gijón/Xixón (FICX).
The calls for entries are as follows:
– Marché du film Producers Network 2023: The Producers Network is an event that brings together over 500 producers from around the world for a series of unique meetings and events dedicated to creating opportunities to build an international network of audiovisual co-production projects.
Organised by ICEX, ICAA in collaboration with the Marché du Film.
The deadline for registration is 23:59 on 21/03/2023.
Information and registration at the following link:
Spanish Screenings Goes to Cannes: a space dedicated to Spanish feature films in the post-production stage that are seeking international exposure at prestigious festivals, as well as international distribution and sales.
Organised by ICEX, ICAA, Festival de Málaga and Spanish Screenings.
The deadline for registration is 23:59 h. on 24/03/2023.
Information and registration at the following link: https://mafiz.es/es/evento/spanish-screenings-goes-to-cannes/convocatoria
– Marché du Film – Spanish Pavilion: a possible space for all those Spanish companies related to the film sectors that are interested in participating as exhibitors in the Spanish Pavilion of the Marché du Film.
The deadline for registration is 23:59 on 27/03/2023.
– Call for entries Cannes Docs 2023: call for the reception and consideration of feature-length documentary projects for their participation in the showcase dedicated to Spain at Cannes Docs, the annual meeting point for documentary film professionals at the Marché du Film in Cannes.
Organised by ICEX and ICAA in collaboration with ZINEBI – Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival and the Gijón/Xixón International Film Festival (FICX).
The deadline for entries is 23:59 h. on 03/04/2023.
Information and registration at the following link:
– Call for Co-Production Night 2023: call for the reception and consideration of producers to attend the Spanish co-production night to be held on 20 May from 20:30 h. to 02:00 h., with the aim of promoting networking with international producers. Access is limited to 25 producers interested in international co-production.
The registration period opens on 23/03/2023 and closes on 10/04/2023.
Information and registration at the following link: https://www.icex.es/es/quienes-somos/donde-estamos/red-exterior-de-comercio/FR/agenda/visor-actividades.marche_du_film_co-productionnight2023cannes.act000202303
These activities are funded by the MRR, and are part of programme 2 of component 25 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), specifically the Spain Audiovisual Hub of Europe plan aimed at promoting the audiovisual sector.
You can see the original news on the Spain Audiovisual HUB website: https://spainaudiovisualhub.mineco.gob.es/es/actualidad/abiertas-convocatorias-marche-du-films