On 2 December, we met with Irina Espriu i Parés ( Economic Management and Resource Control Services Director, Safety and Prevention Management), who is now responsible for the Barcelona City Council’s OIT (Information Office of the Guardia Urbana, where filming permits are administered), to learn how the process of change is taking place in the institution and how to proceed with these changes.
It was a productive meeting because both directors, Adriana Piquet (general director of APCP) and Irina Espriu, met face to face and were able to learn first-hand about the importance of our sector for the city, what it has contributed over the years and what it has been lost.
They told us that they have the will to recover and help our work to continue to be produced in the place where the companies are based without the necessity to move to other cities and also to attract the business again.
There will be a new redistribution of tasks between management from 1 January 2022 and, as in Madrid, there will be regular meetings with the sector (including locators) to discuss improvements.
The offices have moved to the new building at Pça. Carles Pi i Sunyer 8-10, 2nd floor.
APCP partners will receive a communication about how the new redistributions between managements will work.
We are grateful for the opportunity to share all our questions and take a step forward together.