Publicitarios Por defines itself as a group of people from the world of advertising, who in 2018 set out to build a school in conjunction with the NGO Babies Uganda. The area chosen was Kikaya because of “the enormous poverty of the families in the area”, as they say on their Instagram account.
At this school, which opened in February 2019, pupils attend classes regardless of how much money they have, guaranteeing all of them an education. To raise awareness of their work, they have published a spot entitled “Thank you all for nothing”, as the organisation maintains that “nothing would have been possible without your help”:
Link to the Instagram video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnU614UgFv3/
Now Publicitarios por y Babies Uganda is facing a new challenge, as the next school year will start in a few weeks and they need 349 sponsors to cover the children. They detail that contributions can be of two types:
- Companies €60 per month, of which the Tax Office refunds you €21.
- Individuals €15 per month, of which the Tax Office refunds you €11.
To join the project or to ask any questions, please contact publicitariospor@babiesuganda.org, as they point out from their spot “thank you for everything but we still have a long way to go”.