Yesterday, 25 November was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, with the purpose of visibilising violence against women and girls globally.
It is intended to encourage the implementation of policies by the nations of the world to eradicate gender violence, as well as to bring support and awareness about the stigmatisation and the shame that victims suffer.
Gender-based violence is a social problem of large dimensions, a result of an organisation structured in historically unequal power relations between women and men that correspond to social and cultural standards deeply rooted in society and that crosses – without distinction – all economic, cultural and educational levels.
Studies and research by different international organisations indicate that domestic violence is especially concentrated in women, with worldwide data indicating one in ten women is or has been aggressed by her couple.
Contributing decisively to the construction of a culture of gender equality will permit us to advance in the construction and consolidation of societies that are fairer and more equal for all men and women.
Finally, we would like to remind our professionals that in the latest AENOR update it is noted that they count on and are supported by the association in the unfortunate event that they suffer any kind of abuse, the necessary information will be compiled to be able to denounce such a case.