How to carry out the production process in a sustainable way? This is the question with which the Green Film Lab will start its presentation at the Sitges Festival during an open session that will take place on the 15th of October, from 9:30 am to 3:15 pm.
The goal is to teach people about their certification model, based on the guide for the incorporation of sustainability criteria in the filmings of the Catalunya Film Commission.
This model, which is also used outside of Spain, is the potential answer to the question made at the beginning, and a possible way to film causing as little harm as possible to the environment.
Apart from the presentation of the certification system known as Green Film, there will be many study cases as examples, allowing us to find out the best way to apply theory to reality. Lastly, there will be a conference during which there will be a debate about the impact of digital technology on the environment. All of this will be shared amongst 24 participants, chosen by the Torino Film Lab.
Some of the participants for the event will be: Giovanni Pompili (from Kino Produzioni), Morgane Baudin (from Calista Films) and Louise Marie Smith (from Neptune). All of this has been possible thanks to the Catalunya Film Commission and the Servicio de Desarrollo Empresarial (the Corporate Development Service), the organisation of the Torino Film Lab, the Trentino Film Commission, the collaboration of the EAVE and the support of the Europa Creativa MEDIA (Creative Europe MEDIA).
You can sign up for free here or request more information by writing to laia.boixader@gencat.cat