You already know that our production companies don’t stop, here are the shootings of the week: Antiestático, Apartamento, Ava., Blur, Good Company, Harold, Igloo, Solworks, Twentyfour Seven, Zissou…
Antiestático has been shooting their latest project with Claudia Barral as director and DOP Andy Pulido.
Apartamento has been shooting for the agency Santa Marta & Astorga and their client Tulipan. A two-day shoot on location in Barcelona, with Fernando Mainguyague as director and Olmo Sobrino as DOP. In addition, photos were taken for the visuals of the campaign, with Margaret Stepien as photographer.
Ava. shows us her new campaign for Mango Home which was shot in Barcelona..
Blur brings us “Confusing Times” , directed by Biceps for David.
Good Company shot “IO Lentes” with Luis Levrató for manifiesto agency. The shoot took place on a white set but the result will be worth it.Harold Entertainment has released this week the campaign “Tómate las cosas con vino” with the creativity of the agency Manifiesto and the direction of Anuska.
Igloo shows us the spot shot with the agency Ogilvy for Once in Barcelona and directed by David Triviño.
Solworks shot in Mallorca for three days for Tempomedia.
Twentyfour Seven worked on a 6-day shoot in Barcelona, with Mathery directing and Pau Castejón as DOP. Zissou brings us photos from their latest project for Eurocaja Rural, with the agency Pingüino Torreblanca and directed by Gerardo Berna.