- Haven’t you seen the C-Day programme yet?
- Best!N Beauty&Care extends the entry deadline until May 22nd
- El Sol unveils the jury of the transformative creativity section
- Meet the winners of the Young Lions PR Spain and the jury that will represent our country.
- Presentation of the ADC Awards Manship Medallion Recipients
- Haven’t you seen the C-Day programme yet?
The countdown is almost on for the long-awaited C-Day and we’ll be back in San Sebastian for another year.
The event is focused on “highlighting and restoring pride by reminding the entire profession and society in general, that powerful skill that is not only on every creative’s business card, but is part of their DNA, and that is, at the same time, a transformative superpower”.
This year’s programme features more than twenty speakers who will come together to share their experiences and knowledge in debates, lectures and conversations.
Here is the full programme and don’t miss out on your ticket!
2. Best!N Beauty&Care amplía el plazo de inscripción hasta el 22 de mayo
Estos premios reconocen los mejores trabajos creativos de los sectores de Belleza, Perfumería, Droguería e Higiene. El 16 de junio se conocerán los ganadores en una gala de entrega de metales en Barcelona.
El 2 de junio se reunirá el jurado para seleccionar el palmarés de esta segunda convocatoria, compuesto por profesionales de compañías de la talla de Bella Aurora, Foreo, Revlon, P&G, Centro Médico Estéticos Cristina Álvarez (Dibea Estetic), Rituals Cosmetics, Orkla Cederroth, Paco Perfumería, GHD Spain, Garnier, L´Oréal Luxe, Freshly Cosmetics o Kimberly Clark.
Unlike the Best!N Food, the Best!N Beauty&Care are divided into two families, the Beauty family, which includes the following products: fragrances, cosmetics, make-up accessories, hair care, facial care, body care, shaving, depilatories and deodorants; and the Care family, which includes candidates for oral hygiene, eye and nasal care, foot care, sexual wellness, intimate hygiene, household cleaners, cleaning and care of clothes, cellulose, bazaar, footwear and air fresheners.
Nine categories
This festival, with Mindshare as a premium sponsor, has nine sections, where participants will compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in: Digital, Brand Experience, Sustainability, Integrated, Branding, PR, Film, Branding Graphics and Branding Packaging.
In addition, and depending on the number of awards won by the participating companies, the organisation will award a series of special prizes: the Best!N Beauty&Care Agency, recognising the most awarded agency, and the Best!N Beauty&Care Advertiser, which will be awarded to the company whose brands have received the highest number of awards. The Marketing Excellence Award will also recognise a brand’s track record. The organising committee will give the award to two companies, one from the Beauty segment and one from the Care segment.
Marketing Summit 2022
The second edition of the Best!N Beauty&Care Marketing Summit 2022 will also be held in Barcelona on 16 June, with experts from the marketing industry presenting a series of keynote speeches, trends and success stories. More information about the event and the professionals participating in the meeting will be published soon.
For more information, please visit the official website: www.bestinbeauty.es
3. El Sol unveils the jury of the transformative creativity section
This section, created last year, has an independent jury and a different methodology from the other sections.
El Sol. Ibero-American Advertising Communication Festival has announced the members of the jury of its Transformational Creativity section, implemented last year in line with the Institutional Manifesto of the Association of Transformative Creativity Agencies (ACT)
This section, which has its own jury and a different methodology from the other sections that make up the Festival, recognises the creative excellence of strategies and ideas that, thanks to creativity, generate a change or positive long-term impact on the business models and the relationship of a company with its employees, clients, consumers and society in general.
The jury will be made up of:
- Jessica Apellaniz, Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy Latam and chair of the Grand Jury (Mexico)
- Olivares, founding partner of La Despensa (Spain) and director of El Sol (Spain)
- Gema Arias, General Manager of Creative Strategy at Kitchen (Spain)
- Anita Rios, Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Anita&Vega (Argentina)
- Miriam Gutiérrez, Executive Creative Director at Publicis (Spain)
- Diana Triana, Chief Creative Officer at McCann (Colombia)
The section has two categories and only one prize will be awarded in each: the Business Model Transformation Award, which recognises the strategy or idea that generates an impact on a company’s business models, and the Brand Transformation Award, which recognises the initiative that generates an impact on the perception and economic results of a company.
The 36th edition of El Sol will be held on June 2nd 2022 in Madrid, and for yet another year it will continue to vindicate creativity as a transforming force and business driver. All the activities will take place in person and the awards ceremony will be held at the Teatro Circo Price. The full programme can also be followed on elsolfestival.tv, the festival’s official content platform.
El Sol is one of the fifteen festivals of reference for the WARC ranking (former Gunn Report), a worldwide ranking of the best campaigns based on the awards obtained in festivals and competitions. In Spain, El Sol, together with the Premios Eficacia, is one of the two advertising awards most valued by advertisers at a national level.
4. Meet the winners of the Young Lions PR Spain and the jury that will represent our country.
Pablo Tesio and David Pérez de Quevedo, from Serviceplan Spain, have won the Young Lions PR category and will represent Spain at Cannes Lions 2022.
The challenge, promoted by the Scopen consultancy, was to develop a project in 48 hours that would provide visibility and a response to a social problem that we face today through Twitter, as the main communication channel. The creative duo chose “freedom of expression and civil liberty” as the cross-cutting theme of their idea.
Spanish representation on the jury at Cannes Lions 2022
So far, the Spanish industry will be represented in the juries that will meet in person at Cannes by seven professionals in the different categories awarded by Cannes Lions
- André Toledo, Executive Creative Director, DAVID, Spain – Brand Experience & Activation Lions
- David Coral, President & CEO, BBDO & Proximity, Spain – Creative Effectiveness Lions
- Gaston Guetmonovitch, Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Madrid, Spain – Direct Lions
- Daniel Rodríguez, Executive Creative Director, DDB, Spain – Film Lions
- Alejandro Di Trolio, Executive Creative Director, Cheil, Spain – Pharma Lions
- Olivia López, Executive Producer, Pickle Music, Spain – Radio & Audio Lions
- Manir Fadel, Chief Creative Officer, VMLY&R, Spain – Social & Influencer Lions
5. Presentation of the ADC Awards Manship Medallion Recipients
On Wednesday 18th May, ADC begins its second century of celebrating the world’s best designed and crafted creative works with the presentation of the winners of the 101st Annual ADC Awards.
But to get to that second century, we must also look back at the first century and the people who helped make us what we are today, both the legends and those who steered the ship quietly behind the scenes. That’s why they will also honour twelve special men and women with the Manship Medallion for their service to the organisation over the years and decades before.
The Manship Medallion, designed and named after Paul Manship, the famous artist who created the iconic Prometheus sculpture in New York’s Rockefeller Center, was the first award presented to the winners of the ADC Annual Awards one hundred years ago. And while the ADC Cube Award, designed by Gene Federico, has been awarded to its winners for more than 40 years, they have recreated the original medallion for this special milestone and the people who helped achieve it