The Eficacia Awards, which were held on the 27th of October at the Teatro Real in Madrid, achieved a record number of entries a few months ago.
The organisers explain that the event was held with the collaboration and support of the Asociación Española de Anunciantes (Spanish Association of Advertisers) together with SCOPEN, and “focuses on results achieved thanks to the actions related to communications, whether it is notoriety, sales or another type of profitability that responds to a previously set objective”.
It’s finally time to meet the winners!
Grand Prize for : Pikolin Orio Villar/ Arena Media/ Tango
Creative Agency of the Year : PS21
Media Agency of the Year: Arena Media
Best Brand/ Product/ Service Launch Campaign
Gold: “Heinz Pasta Sauce” Kraft Heinz/ Wunderman Thompson
Silver: “BBVA Italia” BBVA Italia / Accenture Song
Silver: “Long Vegetal” Burger King/ DAVID Madrid
Bronze: “Vegalia” Campofrío/ McCann/ MRM/ OMD
Bronze: “Cacaolat” Damm/ Fuego Camina Conmigo
Best Existing Product/Service Campaign:
Gold: “El arrepentido” Voll-Damm/ Damm/ Orio Villar/ Arena Media
Silver: “We are what we cook” Carbonell/Deoleo/ &Rosás / Starcom
Bronze: “Direct line” Línea Diirecta Aseguradora / Sioux meet Cyranos / Starcom
Most Original and Disruptive Strategy:
Gold: “Invaluable Food” Madrid Fusion/ Leo Burnett
Silver: “You are a gamer and you don’t know it” Multiópticas / LLYC
Bronze: “Long Vegetal” Burger King/ DAVID Madrid
Best Campaign Budget Under 250.000€ (Tactical or Product/Service Campaigns):
Gold: “You’re a gamer and you don’t know it” Multiópticas / LLYC
Silver: “Jumpers” APEX / Fire Walk with me
Bronze: “Anti-Fraud Campaign” ING / Mrs. Rushmore
Best Tactical Action:
Gold: “Invaluable Food” Madrid Fusion/ Leo Burnett
Silver: “KFC Copypaste” KFC Spain/ PS21
Bronze: “Jumpers” APEX/ Fuego Camina Conmigo
Best Action in Branded Content:
Gold: “Trapped in the 90s” IKEA/ McCan/ Ymedia Wink iProspect/ Tinkle/ MRM
Silver: “Bihar” Fundación BBK/ LLYC
Bronze: “Kia” Kia Motor/ Innocean Worldwide Spain/ Havas Media
Best International Campaign:
Gold: “Cupra” SEAT/ &Rosàs
Silver: “Heinz Pasta Sauce” Kraft Heinz/ Wunderman Thompson
Bronze: “BBVA Italia” BBVA Italia/ Accenture Song
Best Integrated Campaign:
Gold: “Estrella de Galicia” Hijos de la Rivera/ Ymedia Wink iProspect/ Tony Le Brand/ Click Naranja/ Habitant/ Proximia/ Grupo76/ Diferencia-t
Silver: “Venga Juan” HBO Max/ Ymedia Wink iProspect
Best Regional/Local Campaign:
Gold: “Bihar: choosing the future” BBK Foundation/ LLYC
Bronze: “Gafas de realidad mejorada” Vall d’Hebron/ Fundación Samll/ Fundación Aladina/Fundación Albert Bosch / BBDO&Proximity and Havas Media Spain
Bronze: “Madrid, ciudad de encuentro” Mahou Cinco Estrellas/ Mahou San Miguel / &Rosàs / Apple Tree
Best Demonstration of Social Brand Purpose:
Gold: “Live where you want” Correos/ TBWA/ Arena Media
Silver: “Redes Vivas” ABANCA/ Accenture Song/ Proximia
Community Building and Own Audience:
Gold: PlayStation 4 Recirculation / Sony Entertainment / Game Stores Iberia / Mediacom
Silver: Push Notifications / KFC / PS21
Brand Building:
Gold: “Pikolin” Oriol Villar/ Arena Media/ Tango
Silver: “Carbonell” Deoleo/ Rosàs
Bronze: “KFC” PS21/ Proximia
Best NGO Campaign:
Gold: Campaign “Por no, porno”/ FAD Fundación Juventud/ Pink
Silver: Pau’s T-shirt / Cris contra el cáncer/ Help! Good Ideas
Special recognition for research
“Long Vegetal” Burger King/ DAVID Madrid
Special recognition to the promotion of diversity and inclusion
“Amazon Prime Video” Amazon Prime Video/ Media.monks
Recognition for the use of communication to promote research
CNIO/ True/ PS21 “La lotería que más toca” CNIO/ True/ PS21
Jury Club Awards
Career Achievement Award went to Roberto Lara, Founding Partner of Sioux Meet Cyranos
Sub41 Effectiveness Award goes to Jesús Revuelta, Independent Creative Director and Consultant
The CEO Effectiveness Award was presented to Ignacio Rivera, Executive Chairman of Corporación Hijos de Rivera.