As we already announced, last week the CFP-E European Assembly was held in Madrid, where this time the APCP was the host.
We had the collaboration of Film Madrid and Madrid Film Office, who helped us with the organisation and provided two spectacular spaces for the meeting.
Our friends from PSN, Production Service Network, who have been part of it as sponsors. Cuchara de palo has been the sponsoring company in charge of providing a wonderful catering for our international guests on both days.
On Thursday the welcome cocktail was held in the Nave de Motores of Metro de Madrid, where we were accompanied by Silvia Roldán CEO of Metro de Madrid, the Brand Director Miguel Oliver, the Head of Aerial Álvaro Ruiz and Francisco Javier Iñigo Coordinator Commercial Area in Metro de Madrid, on behalf of Film Madrid Rafa Cabrera and Raúl Torquemada from Madrid Film Office.
On Friday the assembly was held in the Salón Real de la Casa de la Panadería in the Plaza Mayor.
The topics discussed included:
-The update of the Universal Principles for the contracting of audiovisual advertising production of the European network and AICP (USA).
-The pitch process
-The production and contract report, where from Spain we have said that we are working as a team with the association of agencies and advertisers with great achievements and progress.
-The carbon footprint algorithm for budget estimates, where we have agreed on the importance of getting a certified seal and a calculator that works according to our business. Where we believe there is still much to do in this regard.
-The promotion of the “CFPe brand” at European level, making it stronger and reaching out to European public institutions to give more value to our work as a network.
Another important point of this meeting was the farewell of the president Tony Petersen (Germany), who captained this network for more than 6 years and gave way to a new governance model.
As a novelty, a collegial government was elected, composed of 5 countries: Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland and Ukraine.
Tony Petersen, addressed a farewell letter thanking for these years of governance, where issues were shared between associations across borders.
The two-day meeting has been a great success and we continue to move forward as an industry.