APCP is a member of CFP-E, the federation of advertising production associations across Europe. The annual assembly will be held in Madrid on 5 and 6 May and APCP will be the host and organiser of this meeting.
Para que todo salga perfecto y nuestros colegas europeos disfruten de este viaje a España, hemos contando con la colaboración de Film Madrid y Madrid Film Office, Mimetik has also joined this collaboration to provide streaming services for those associations that are unable to attend and Cuchara de Palo, which will be in charge of the catering during the assembly and of the welcome cocktail.
The aim of these meetings is to promote the value that production companies bring to agencies and advertisers and to safeguard the future of production companies.
We are in a time of many changes and this more continuous relationship between the European associations makes our sector work more closely together.