- Presentation of the “Spain Film & TV Talent Network” project. 30 March 2023 10:00h Espacio Comet Meetings C/ de Alfonso XII, 30 Madrid. The project was presented together with LinkedIn yesterday morning, and it consists of working together to create a network of professionals in the sector that help audiovisual companies connect with potential workers and interlocutors.
- Meeting with the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy, Mr. Joaquín Pérez Rey.
Also yesterday morning, a meeting was held to discuss the approval of a new regulation of the special employment relationship of artists who work in the performing, audiovisual and musical arts, as well as those who carry out technical or auxiliary activities necessary for the development of this activity and the replacement of Royal Decree 1435/1985, of 1 August.
The purpose of this meeting was to formally inform the sector that this modernisation and replacement process is going to begin. To this end, the sector’s organisations were asked to submit their specific proposals. In order to facilitate the operation of the process, a sectoral coordination effort is requested so that the proposals are presented as consensual as possible.
- On 30 March, the Madrid Audiovisual Cluster was constituted.
The session took place at 12:30 p.m. at the Central de Diseño – MATADERO MADRID. The project comes from the economic area of the Madrid City Council because it is clear and evident that the sector generates business and industry. In the different speeches, information was given on the filming figures for 2022 in the city of Madrid, where there were some 380 advertising spots. According to the Deputy Mayor Begoña Villacís, “the audiovisual sector is revealing the best kept secret and that is Madrid, where people live the most, the best and the most filming takes place”. The project has been presented and the statutes of constitution have been read, where the heads of the cluster were introduced: Raúl Berdonés, president, Mario Madueño, vice-president and Patricia Motilla, secretary.
Mario Madueño, Vice President of the Cluster.
Raúl Berdones, Madrid Cluster Presidency.
Patricia Motilla, Cluster Secretary.
Begoña Villacís, Deputy Mayoress of Madrid.
Almudena del Rosal.