- Lucía Angulo will be the host of “Hablar de c”, the meeting of the c de c.
Lucía Angulo is managing director & head of creative business at Accenture Song for Spain, Portugal and Israel. She is also a partner at c de c, and will be the main speaker at the “Hablar de c” meeting in February.
This will take place on Thursday 9 February at 19h at Calle Cervantes 3, to talk about “the end of abundance”, a global paradigm shift that Angulo links to communication: “Climate change, pandemics, war, supply crises… have changed the world as we knew it. Today it is not enough to have money to get what you want. We are learning to have to choose, to have to wait, to have to give in… It’s something new for the Amazon Prime generation.
You can sign up here. Admission is free for c de c members and will cost €5 for non-members.
- Meet the BCMA Branded Content of the Year Awards.
The BCMA Awards for the Best Branded Content of the Year are back for another year. On this occasion, the awards will be presented during the Gala of the VIII Edition of Branducers to be held on 16 March at Espacio Pablo VI.
In addition, for this edition, the categories have been expanded and there will be a specific category to recognise the Best BC Audiovisual of the Year. The deadline for entries will be open until 15 February, for any of the 11 categories available.
You can find all the information on the Branded Content Marketing Association website.
- Join the Young Lions Design!
If you are between 18 and 30 years old, work in an agency and have Spanish nationality or live in the country, you can apply for the Young Lions Design; a competition that aims to recognise and support the talent and creativity of young people.
The registration period, which has already opened and will be available until 27 February, is a magnificent opportunity to get to know the industry from the inside and learn from within the sector. In addition, the winners will be able to attend the Cannes Lions Festival.
You can sign up here.
- What do we know about the Effectiveness Awards 2023?
Los Premios Eficacia, que el año pasado consiguieron récord de participantes en su XXIV edición, vuelven este 2023 para reconocer el trabajo de anunciantes y agencias.
These are the only awards in Spain that focus on results achieved thanks to the communication action, be it notoriety, sales or any other type of profitability that responds to a previously set objective”, as they explain on their website.
In this new year, the awards “promoted by the Spanish Association of Advertisers and with the strategic advice of SCOPEN” will take place in Madrid, during the month of April. It’s not long now!