- AMP announces the second extension of the registration deadline.
- IV Fashion Film Academy Conference
- Young Directors Awards: two weeks till the deadline for early bird payment
- The Best Awards 2022 are just around the corner
- AMP announces the second extension of the registration deadline.
Today, Friday March 18th is the new deadline. You still have time to submit your proposals.
This year, the show will be live and direct. In addition, they will soon announce who will be the 2022 WPA Hall of Fame honoree. So take advantage of this extension and get your work submitted to the largest advertising competition dedicated exclusively to music and sound creators and suppliers.
To be eligible, your work must have been first broadcast or made public between 14 February 2021 and 25 February 2022. Detailed information on technical specifications, rules and fees can be found on the AMP Awards ENTRY PORTAL.
And don’t forget that AMP members in good standing get a 20 percent discount on all entries. We also offer discounts for multiple entries.For more information about AMP, visit www.ampnow.com, or visit our Facebook page. To view the 2021 winners, visit www.amp-awards.com. For information on sponsorship opportunities or registration questions, please contact us at amp@aicp.com
- Fashion Film Academy Conference
The IV Jornadas Fashion Film Academy organised jointly by the Universidad Villanueva and the Universidad Complutense, which will once again have a digital format and are free of charge. They will be held on the 24th and 25th March 2022 through the VIMEO platform and in order to attend it is necessary to register through the website www.fashionfilmacademy.com
The conference includes an exciting programme with the participation of important figures such as Diane Pernet, creator of ASVOF (A shaded view on Fashion) interviewed in Paris by the fashion journalist Elisa Dezvas; the creative couple of the film production company GUS&LO composed by Gustavo López Mañas and Lorena Parra; Roger Gingerich, director of the Canadian International Fashion Film Festival, interviewed by Gemma Muñoz; Branded Content Manager at Getfluence, Spanish designers Paul García de Oteyza and Caterina Pañedo, who have used Fashion Film in new ways to tell the story of their collections; Belén Pérez, Brand Manager of Multi-Ópticas and Carla Rogel director of Fashion Films and marketing director of FORBES.
For those who, due to time difference, cannot connect that day, the sessions will be recorded until Sunday the 27th of March at midnight.
- Young Directors Awards: two weeks till the deadline for early bird payment
The 25th edition of YDA is fast approaching. The early bird deadline is midnight (CET) on 28 March, so now is the time to submit your entries.
If you register now you will save on entry fees for all categories.
This year, the YDA team has introduced two new categories: “Documentary” and “Best Use of Music”, offering a 50% reduction in entry fees for both.
The Born To Create Drama category is free and open until 2 May, so be sure to submit your work.
For full details or to register, visit their website.
- Ya queda menos para los Best Awards 2022
The Best Awards are the marketing awards that bring together the industry’s marketers, their agencies and suppliers to recognise the best campaigns and the teams that lead them and define the consumer trends that have been affected by recent changes in consumer behaviour.
What do they do? They organise events, summits and conferences. They are responsible for choosing a suitable jury, and they also aim to disseminate and promote new developments in the marketing sector.
At Best Awards they work to promote and encourage the work of marketing and advertising agencies in Spain. They are a team of professionals with in-depth knowledge of the sector, committed to what we do and proud to be able to reward talent and creativity.
The marketing summit is a day of conferences focused on a specific sector with the aim of adding value, detecting problems and insights of the moment.
The attendees are usually marketing directors and managers, brand managers and creative or communication agencies.
In 2022, 4 Best Awards events will be held, each of them accompanied by a day of Marketing Summit presentations, in which the brands of the sector have the opportunity to present their success stories, participate in round tables and present papers. The editions and dates are as follows:
Deadline for entries (non-extendable): 4 March Awards Gala: 5-6 April in Barcelona
Closing date for entries: May 6th
Prize-giving Gala: June 16th in Barcelona
Closing date for entries: September 6th
Awards Gala: October 20th in Madrid
Closing date for entries: October 14th 2022
Awards Gala: December the 1st in Madrid
All these competitions include the Best Film section, among others:
► Best Film, in which all those audiovisual advertising films devised for broadcasting on television, cinema or interactive media with a maximum duration of 120 seconds can be entered.