Once again Spain Film Commission is co-organising, with Ifema- Feria de Madrid, Fitur Screen, a space dedicated to film tourism within the International Tourism Exhibition, which will take place from 19 to 23 January 2022. In this fourth edition, Fitur Screen will explore several aspects of the relationship between two powerful Spanish industries: tourism and audiovisual.
Advertising film will be present on Thursday 20 January at the conference organised by Film Madrid and Madrid Film Office, Advertise in Madrid.
It will be a conference in which the importance of advertising production and the tourism sector will be highlighted. The different agents that make up the tourism sector in our region will discuss the current lines of work in advertising production, explaining the needs of both sides, especially those of the production departments of the production companies and of the advertisers themselves.
Participants will be: Josep María Alhama (Business Travel Director – Grupo Bestours) – Nuria Santiago (Location Manager Zafarrancho) – Fernando Sánchez Marco (Fundador y CEO de Cuchara de Palo) and an advertiser to be confirmed. It will be moderated by Jaime Terol (Line Producer – Lee Films)
In addition, Albert Soler will participate on Friday 21st in a conference organised by the Spain Film Commission to give his vision of film tourism on representing the APCP together with the PROFILM association.
All the conferences can be followed by streaming through the Fitur Live Connect platform.: https://www.ifema.es/live-