Yesterday, March 30th, was the first of five visits that the Catalunya Film Commission (CFC) is organising with Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) to showcase the most hidden and unique areas of the Barcelona underground.
For some months now, the CFC has been working together with TMB to give a cinematographic boost to the areas under its jurisdiction: Buses, the Underground (Metro), the Tourist Bus, the Montjuïc Cable Car, vintage vehicles and the Blue Tram. For this reason, five planned itineraries have been organised from March to July to reveal the entrails of one of these spaces: the Metro.
Each visit is open, with prior registration, to a small group of location managers from the entire audiovisual sector so that they can discover all the nooks and crannies of the underground. Places that as simple users we could never discover: corridors, tunnels, stairways, subways, platforms and other secret places.
On the first visit, which took place yesterday, the locators were able to see the old corridors of Plaça Catalunya station, inaugurated in 1924, with its original arches and tiles and even the remains of advertising posters from the period. The itinerary ended with a visit to the “Green Mile” tunnel in Vall d’Hebron, a tunnel that connects the station platform with the underground offices and depots.
Here you can download the Presentation of TMB filming locations. (in Spanish)
For more information about future itineraries, please contact Laia Boixader, Catalunya Film Commission, laia.boixader@gencat.cat