At the APCP we firmly believe that talking about the future means talking about sustainability.
Without sustainability there is no long-term future. That is why, for years, through our APCP seal certified by AENOR, we have been seeking to ensure that the practices of the producers that make up our association are governed by sustainable values.
We are increasingly aware of the need for sustainability in our actions, no matter how small. Step by step we can make a big change. This demand for awareness is present from the end consumer to advertisers, agencies and advertising production companies.
APCP production companies undergo an annual audit by AENOR, which monitors environmental care through the condition of the locations used for filming. In turn, they must have an environmental policy or commitment identifying those aspects in which their activity can generate impacts on the ecosystem and propose measures to minimise them. We need public institutions to support us and collaborate in the creation of tools for our sustainable production processes.
In our sustainability tab you can learn about some of the projects in which we collaborate.
In February 2021 our president, Albert Soler, participated in an interesting talk entitled “Can the creative industries be sustainable? Real proposals for advertising, fashion and audiovisual“. It presented very simple ways to contribute to sustainable production on a day-to-day basis.
We have a “Green Shooting” tab in English and Spanish where you will find various resources of interest developed by different entities in the sector around the world on the so-called “Green Production”. Soon you will be able to download our regulations, which are aligned with our international partners.
In March 2021 we are collaborating with Creast, a company that has developed a simple app that allows you to know your daily carbon emissions and convert them to CO2eq in order to offset this footprint. They do this by reforesting forests, thus making production ’emissions neutral’, i.e. 100% sustainable. In addition, they also offer solutions to progressively reduce emissions in future production, so that our industry can contribute to the global goal of “zero emissions”.
In April 2021 we share the Decalogue developed by Valencia Film Office in which we are invited to apply the SDGs to the different parts of the achievement of an audiovisual production; and of which we are proud to be part of.
At the APCP, we believe it is essential to work together and build alliances for sustainability. This is how we will go further.
Another recent example of this commitment that is spreading internationally is the Green Film Protocol developed by the Trentino Film Commission, in which Catalunya Film Commission and Mallorca Film Commission collaborate, applying ideas where many production companies of the association are already incorporating them.
You can read more proposals applied to create a greener industry in our sustainability section.