We are Industry: Working together with Ministries and Public Institutions

By June 14, 2021 News No Comments

With the excitement of the previous presentations, the Commercial Film Workshop in Malaga ended with a very didactic round table. Professionals from different parts of Spain attended to hear first-hand how public institutions are working to attract the international audiovisual sector to Spain, generate facilities and new ways to help continue generating economy, industry and content.

María Jesús Horcajuelo, CEO Executive Producer Only 925/Teamworks and Vice President APCP, was the presenter.

Gordon Mackinnon, Managing Partner at Twentyfour Seven, moderated this session that had a great participation from the audience with questions and suggestions to each of the participants.

We had the participation of:

  • Cristina Morales,VP for the Regulation of Audiovisual Communication Services. Directorate General for Telecommunications and Organisation of Audiovisual Communication Services. Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure.
  • Rafael Fuentes Candau, Provincial Director of Trade and ICEX in Malaga
  • Josep María Alhama Mirabete, Business Travel Director of Bestours/Travel Producers

The topicality of the subject matter and the relevance of the participants led to very active audience participation. Specific cases were brought to the forefront and the audience asked questions to experts.

They talked about vaccination certificates, ICAA reports to bring in international talent, the time required for the production of commercial films and the time available to the administration…

Cristina Morales affirmed the importance of talking to all the public bodies involved in the entry of foreigners, to explain everything that the audiovisual industry generates. She told us how she made it possible. A democratic point that allows us to go faster and improve as an industry.

Speaking of Brexit, she also told us how cultural visas had been adapted for other professional categories in the audiovisual sector.

“At the administrative level, it is impossible to keep up with the pace of the advertising industry, but we are showing that we have a lot of will and that we are supporting the sector as best we can”. – also assured Cristina Moral, VP for the Regulation of Audiovisual Communication Services.

The three participants shared their views on the good moment in which the sector finds itself and the current commitment to generate momentum and support for the Spanish audiovisual sector in order to place it at the forefront of the world. They encouraged to take advantage of these circumstances to approach public institutions and make them see that advertising film is a strategic industrial sector, which generates employment and makes money.

Rafael Fuentes Candau, Provincial Director of Trade and ICEX in Malaga, explained how they work to export and represent, through ICEX, our industry: “It is very important that the audiovisual sector, and advertising film as a relevant part of it, is increasingly understood as an industry, as the economic activity that it is”.

Josep María Alhama Mirabete, Business Travel Director of Bestours/Travel Producers, highlighted the importance of advertising film for the hotel and tourism sector: “Advertising film provides work not only for technicians and producers, but also for hotels, restaurants and was the first to be reactivated during and after the pandemic”.

Cristina Morales announced that they are considering the creation of a “group visa” to facilitate the entry of international professional teams into Spain. 

Many of the attendees were delighted by the news, as advertising film is a sector with short timescales and urgent needs; and the pandemic is complicating some of the production processes.

The Audiovisual Hub and the possibility of having a one-stop shop for information was also very well received by all the professionals present in the room.

There was space to talk about how European funds are working and their commitment to all sustainable and digital projects. Morales and Fuentes encouraged the use of these resources, to generate synergies, to knock on doors and explain what advertising film production means for the economy and for our country in terms of the world, the local, national and international market.

When asked by the moderator if advertising film is contemplated for the Audiovisual Hub, Cristina Morales answered: Yes.

It was the perfect closing for our third Commercial Film Workshop, walking together and hand in hand with public institutions and Ministries; sharing a positive approach to work and future, with a lot of will and desire to move forward. 

As a finishing touch, the Director of the Film Festival and the Malaga Film Office, Juan Antonio Vigar, closed the conference and announced that the next edition of the Film Festival will be in March 2022, resuming its usual dates and that we are repeating the conference!

