This week we share the shootings of Antiestático, Ava, Fight, Harold, Igloo, Lee Films, Only925, Seven Senses, Solworks, Somos5, Vagabond…
Vagabond has produced the new Volvo spot. Agency: AKQA. Production company: The Mill. Prod Service : VGBND. Location: Asturias.
Solworks this summer is Pizzennials! The new campaign shot together with Sra Rushmore for Domino’s Pizza is already on air. The director as in previous campaigns was Beatriz Sanchís.
Somos5 has shot in Madrid and Valencia, with its producer Iván sailing! Director: Luján Islas, DOP: Jorge Roig, Producer: Sara Kieninger, Production manager: Maru Maffuchi, Production manager: Lidia G Piñeiro, Agency: Purple Creative.
Seven Senses has given us a two-day shoot in Madrid for the Italian production company Blckball.tv with director Joachim Back and Pawel Edelman as DOP. Executive Producer Jesus Perez-Solero. Producer: Claudia Rodríguez-Porrero.
Only925 has produced a new collaboration with the Juegaterapia Foundation, with the director being Julian Zuazo, the DOP Paco Femenias and the camera operator Sergio de Uña. The production company would like to give special thanks to all the team that has collaborated in the project.
Lee Films sent us the photos from last week’s shoot with Gonzalo Oliveró.
Igloo shares BTS photos from one of their latest shoots.
Harold shot a new video clip this week in a spectacular outdoor location on the outskirts of Madrid. Directed by Noelia Chañe with photography by Iñigo Zubicaray and art direction by Flor Luján.
Fight shares photos from the filming they shot last week with David Triviño.
Ava. shares BTS from the making of a shoot for Netflix.
Antiestático sent us stills of the Dan Abedrop videoclip “SI TE VAS” directed by Hernán Zubizarreta.