You are not enrolled yet in our second masterclass? Hurry up!! In just 5 days you can discover everything about this interesting profession.
Don’t forget the masterclass will be streaming next Tuesday February 15th, from 7 pm to 9 pm, and last but not least it’s for free.
You have probably wondered at some point how fictional characters are made, which no longer seem like fiction but pure reality.
Talking about makeup and characterization, there are various kinds of specializations, and one of them is FX or special effects. And of course, a group of incredible professionals to achieve it.
A good FX makeup artist has to have certain skills such as knowledge of painting, sculpture, knowledge of make-up products and technique, etc.
Burnt faces, imitating wounds, creating monstrous characters, or ageing characters, all of this and more is possible thanks to FX makeup. Without this type of makeup, productions would not be as impressive as they are.
One of the materials most commonly used by special effects makeup artists is silicone prosthetics, which allows the physical features of actors and actresses to be altered to an incredible degree.
In this masterclass we want to show you everything about this profession and we will do it with the professionals David Ambit and Alba Bautista from InsideFX – Efectos Especiales..
They will tell us how to deal with a prosthetic makeup project. From the client’s first call, design and budget. How the project is carried out in the studio and its later application in filming.