The second day of the 10th Commercial Film Workshop has started with one of the most awaited comebacks: ‘Truth Hurts II’. This year, the APCP’s round table in collaboration with the c de c has brought attention to the creatives’ perspective.
The debate started after playing a brief video from Juan Carlos Ferrero. It was opened with several questions about budget, the possibility of taking on bigger projects and how important it is to have diverse teams in which to find more female directors that work in medium and big projects and pitches.
After that, a question that caused controversy amongst the attendees arised: why do so many people from the agencies go to the filmings? The representatives of the production companies defended that for organisation purposes only the people previously agreed to be present should go, or that at least there should be less representatives. However, creatives believe that those involved in the project deserve to be able to attend the filming.
This was one of the only topics in which the audience at the theatre actively participated, because it was one of the questions that got the most reaction and questions from the public.
With this, the second edition of the debate ‘Truth Hurts II’ came to an end, being one of the most popular round tables of the event for the second year.