Top Advertising Production Companies Ranking 2021 – El Publicista

By June 7, 2021 News No Comments

The season of festivals and awards galas has already begun and from the APCP we want to show our support.

We know that all the people who are part of the APCP production companies strive every day to make advertising film a great profession; transforming ideas into short films that reach our screens. Pieces that make us laugh, cry, sing… and that move the economy, create and generate employment through brands, advertising agencies and in many other sectors related to us such as the hospitality, transportation, technical equipment, lighting, costumes and make-up, casting…

2020 was a tough year, in many ways, and we are still getting back on our feet; and if there is one thing we are proud of and want to thank our APCP production companies for, it is the effort, the desire and the motivation of their daily work. Our most sincere congratulations to all the production companies that make up the APCP! 

In the magazine number 446 of El Publicista it’s published the Ranking of the best advertising production companies of the year 2021. It is an honour to see that all of them are part of the APCP. Thank you all! Whether you are in this ranking or not, together we are stronger.

