One more week the APCP production companies do not stop, we leave you the last shootings and finished works of: Zissou, Twentyfour Seven, The Production Club, The Gang, Primo, Mamma Team, Lee Films, Igloo, Ava., Antiestático and Albiñana.
Zisoou filmed last July 7th with DAZN together with the agency COMUNICA +A, and they also had the pleasure of having CALORRO as directors and Daniel Meré as director of photography.
Twentyfour Seven brings us their new Nike Euro Women’s Week shoot. It was shot over 5 days in May 2022. The spot vindicates the power and visibility that women’s football is having and will continue to have. The director is Valentin Petit and it is produced by the agency W+K and the international production company Division.
The Production Club was shooting a spot in Menorca last week with Ivan Jurado as director.
The Gang brings us “The moment of truth”, a joint project that has been carried out with the McCann agency and director Sebastien Grousset, from Barcelona. The client behind the campaign was Mapfre, and who better to take out car insurance than Fernando Alonso.
Primo is responsible for the production of the music video “Dinastía”, putting the image to a song by Cruela feat. Lara91k. The story revolves around a meeting of characters in which several crimes are committed.
Mamma Team leaves these behind the scenes images of a marketing shoot for Netflix filmed recently in Madrid.
Lee FIlms shares the new campaign he shot for Aldi on its arrival in the Canary Islands. The project has come to light in collaboration with Cangrejo filmmakers and the agency La Escalera de Fumio. On the occasion of the company’s national expansion, the spot aims to reflect its commitment to the people of the Canary Islands.
Igloo has been shooting with the Spanish women’s hockey team for his client Skeyndor, with director Mikaela Guiariniello and the agency Plata 16 Agency.
Harold Entertainment brings us its latest production, directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara and with cinematography by Rafa Reparaz. It was shot in Madrid with the creative agency El Laboratorio.
Ava. shows us the making of the part shot in Spain of MODERATTO & AITANA “Sálvame”.
Antiestático presents his shooting of the week with Luciano Ruiz as Director and Yousef Daoud from DOP.
Albiñana has produced “Generation Digital Divide”, one of Orange’s latest campaigns. It brings together young and old, with the proposal that the new generations help those for whom technology is a handicap.