A major advertiser committed to advertising production

Jetzabel Tapial, Head of Branding, Advertising and Audiovisual Production at Telefónica
Telefónica presents on the occasion of its centenary the brand platform #imaginémonos with which the company wants to project everything we will be able to do thanks to technology in the next 100 years, in line with its purpose ‘to make our world more human by connecting people’s lives.
To communicate its first milestone, in the journey for its centenary, it launched at the end of 2023, “Besos” a great advertising film production, one hundred years connecting people’s lives. An ad that not only tells a story, but becomes part of Telefónica’s own history. Between the creative magic, made by &Rosàs and the exquisite production of Primo, under the direction of Nico Pérez Vega, has turned into reality the purpose of the company, transmitting the values of the brand and reflecting through each frame, how the company has shared history with the Spanish society.
On April 19, the company celebrated its 100-year history with the second milestone, under the same brand platform “Let’s Imagine”. In this case the creative idea, “Let’s Imagine” is from the agency Accenture Song, produced by the award-winning Lee Films, under the leadership of SEGA’s directing, and embellished with the song “Imaginar” by Guillem Roma.
This commercial is an invitation to imagine and shows an optimistic point of view where technology as an ally, and imagination as a guide, makes Telefónica ready to write the next 100 years.
In this interview, we wanted to go deeper into the trajectory and dedication of the advertiser. We spoke with Jetzabel Tapial, head of brand, advertising and audiovisual production at Telefónica.
How has Telefónica’s advertising evolved?
Since 2010, the Telefónica brand ceased to have a presence in the advertising market, in its commercial role, due to strategic business decisions, but it is in 2018 when rewriting our brand purpose – to make our world more human by connecting people’s lives – the Telefónica brand begins to have more relevance in the market.
In 2019, the Telefónica brand is given a commercial role for the B2B segment, with the Telefónica Tech and Telefónica Empresas brands.
And it is in 2020, when our purpose becomes even more relevant, and recovers its role in front of society in the face of the Covid emergency, at a time when, thanks to Telefónica’s network, we were more connected than ever: we were able to work, study, take classes and ultimately connect people’s lives, thanks to the fact that we had been taking care of our country’s networks for years.
In 2021 we rebranded the Telefónica brand after more than 20 years, with the aim of showing the business transformation that the company was undergoing, and from here during 2022 and 2023 we worked to raise the brand’s profile towards the centenary with a series of campaigns to increase the relevance of the Telefónica brand in Spanish society.
This year we are 100 years old, feeling younger and more prepared than ever to write the next 100 together.
What is the role of advertising in brand perception?
For us, advertising is a way to communicate with society and our customers, to convey values and a clear purpose, a tool that helps us to position ourselves as that great company, close, that enables that connection between people’s lives.
Is Telefónica an advertiser committed to the change that APCP has been pursuing for some time, including contests and paid pitches?
Yes, we believe that acting with integrity, commitment and transparency at Telefónica is what allows us to build relationships of trust with our collaborators. We have Responsible Business Principles that govern everything we do and say; they are our code of ethics. They serve as a guide for us to relate to our employees and make decisions based on integrity, commitment and transparency in all marketing activities.
What are the sustainability values of the Telefónica brand that you try to communicate in your advertising campaigns and how do you do it?
Sustainability is part of our DNA and that is why in our latest advertising campaigns we have worked on sustainability as something integral in all phases of production. We work closely with the ESG team that advises us throughout the process, both in terms of environmental issues, to reduce the impact we generate, as well as in terms of diversity and inclusion. We have even been fortunate enough to have an external analysis by Openminders, a consulting firm specializing in diversity and inclusion, which called the Besos campaign ‘an excellent representation of a diverse, plural and multicultural society in a credible way’.
Interview by Marina Carazo