At Makkers School they understand the profession of production and directing (as well as the other professions within a professional film crew) as a profession.
They focus on developing the most practical part of it, offering their students all the necessary tools to enter the job market, preparing them thoroughly and then incorporating them into top-level professional teams.
This is why they have developed the Sustainability in Filming Course, specifically for training eco-assitants, coordinated by Mrs. Greenfilm. This is a consultancy specialising in sustainable audiovisual production, with a team with 15 years of experience in bringing sustainability into the decision-making process of companies and organisations.
How did this course come about? Due to the real “boom” in our sector, with an increase in filming encouraged by audiovisual platforms. And the forecast is that the volume of work will continue to grow. And for some time now, audiovisual productions have been demanding the incorporation of a new department: the sustainability department.
It is the national production companies themselves, the foreign production companies that come to shoot in Spain, the large audiovisual platforms (Amazon, Netflix, HBO…), as well as the audiovisual associations that are now demanding environmental control of their filming (and of the entire sector) by incorporating the sustainability department into their teams.
All the data collected and the certification that the filming has been sustainable is now a reality that all the agents in the sector want to count on, and we know that it will be a legal obligation in a very short time, as is already the case in other European countries. In fact, in the ICAA’s call published this year, it is already required for films that receive ministerial subsidies.
As it is something so new that has burst so strongly into the sector, there are not many people perfectly trained and qualified to work in this new department and those that exist are not enough to cope with the volume of work that there is at the moment and that which is expected in the near future.
This course is a necessity within the sector to be able to cover the audiovisual offer that exists right now in our country. With this course, Makkers School will provide the necessary tools so that you can start working in the sustainability department as an Eco-Assistant and/or Eco-Runner in an audiovisual production.
Timetable: Monday to Friday, from 16h to 20h.
Dates (intensive): From Wednesday 27 September 2023 to Tuesday 10 October of the same year.
In addition, students can choose whether they want to take the course in person or online and APCP members have a discount code.
In addition, once the course has finished, students will become part of the job bank and Mrs. Greenfilm’s own job bank. There are many production companies collaborating with them, as well as active teaching collaborators who are constantly asking for trained people to cover all the necessary positions within this department.
You can find all the information about the course at their programme.