Spain Audiovisual HUB: Applications’ call for financial aid for the international distribution of Spanish films

By November 4, 2022 News No Comments

The first call for applications for aid for the international distribution of Spanish films for 2022 was published on the 25th of October in Spain’s Official State Gazette (BOE). Financed with Next Generation funds from the European Union and with a total amount of 3,000,000 euros, the aim of this aid is to promote the marketing of Spanish films abroad, as a means of achieving greater internationalisation for our film industry. The aid is aimed at independent international sales agencies, subsidising expenses directly related to the international promotion of the film, with the aim of favouring its distribution and sale to other countries.


Stimulating independent international sales agencies to encourage the international circulation and distribution of Spanish cinematographic films, provided that they have signed at least one contract with a foreign distributor to distribute a Spanish film in at least one territory outside Spain and that it provides for the release of the film in cinemas and/or digital video-on-demand platforms (VOD platforms).


Independent international sales agencies.

An independent international sales agency is understood to be:

1º. The natural or legal person who, while marketing audiovisual works internationally, is not majority owned or dependent on a company with non-EU capital in terms of its executive bodies, its shareholding, its decision-making capacity or its business strategy.

2º. In addition to the above, those that are not mostly owned by an audiovisual media service provider, by a media group or by public capital, whether there is or there is not a Community nature, nor dependent on them in terms of their executive bodies, their shareholding, their decision-making capacity or their business strategy.


The maximum endowment of the call is €3,000,000 and the maximum amount of support per cinematographic film will be €100,000.

Deadline for submission of applications: 

The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 working days from the publication of this extract in the BOE (the 26th of October 2022 until the 16th of November 2022).

More information:

  • You can find more detailed information on these financial aids and consult the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
  • Consult the complete information sheet on these calls here
  • Apply for the financial aid here.
