Today, Friday April 12, Publicitarios por celebrates its now classic Charity Party in Bataplán donating 100% of ticket sales to Kikaya School. Publicitarios por built the school hand in hand with Babies Uganda in 2018 and since then covers the full costs of the 650 students that are currently enrolled in Kikaya School.
As every year the tickets have sold very well and have made SOLD OUT. We leave you a video that Maria from Kikaya School has sent us, so that we do not forget that the Bataplán party is a Charity Party and that one more year, thanks to the monthly fees and this one, the expenses of the course 2024 of Kikaya School are covered.
Next year they will continue fighting again, but today, April 12, it is time to celebrate. From Publicitarios Por they make “a big toast for all of us, for this precious project so linked to our sector, for our 650 children and for those 43 professionals who form the local staff of Kikaya Junior School and to whom we give work”.
These are the companies that maintain the project with Publicitarios Por: ADHOCKERS, Agosto, Antiestático, Apartamento, Bambina Films, Be Sweet, Beat Music, Blank, ,Blua, Blur, Bosalay, Burns, Canada, Cariñito, Club de Creativos, CLV, CyW, Dos35, El Ruso de Rocky, Estoy en Remoto, Fight Films, GOODCo., Grayskull, Harold Entertainment, Harry, HawaiFilms, Heaven Music, Hogarth, Iboo Agency, Igloo, Instinto, Jakiens, Jupiter Films, Kitchen, Kiwi, La Despensa, La Panadería, Landia, Lee Films, Lobokane, Lovemonk, Makkers School, Mamma Team, Mi Querido Watson, MCNULTY, Metropolitana, Miami Ad School, Molaría, OEO & Parser, Ogilvy, Only 925, Petra Garmon, Primo, Pueblo, Rebolución, Roma, Seven Senses, Smile, Solworks, Somos5, Sonomedia, Sra. Rushmore, The Atomic Garden, The Gang, The Production Club, This is Libre, Vertically, Viernes, We Are Social y Zissou +116 padrinos individuales.
Learn more about the Babies Uganda project