Now, it is time to acknowledge the value of another sponsor, Servicevision.
This is a company with roots as a family business. Founded in 1986 by brothers Andrés and Alfredo Vallés in Barcelona. From the beginning their goal was to provide technical services for the cinematographic industry.
It started with the development of optic systems and, later on, started with the manufacture and rental of equipment for cinematographic filming. This is something they highlight in their website, with the option of renting out or selling materials.They also stand out due to all the awards they have received, with Product of the Year 2020 by the NAB being their latest win. The award was announced for the category of Camera Support Equipment.
In films like The Lord of the Rings, King Kong, James Bond or Superman, we can spot camera supports with Servicevision’s Scorpio logo. Their cranes, remotes and other materials can be found amongst the equipment for international filmings.
Furthermore, the company’s building also has various sets for films and television.
Would you like to get to know them better? Find out about this and much more on their website.