This week we share the shootings of Canada, Fight Films, Igloo, Lee Films, Mamma Team, Oxígeno, Palma Pictures, Twentyfour Seven, Pueblo, Smile, Somos5, Teamworks, Zissou…
Zissou has released “Orange – El fin de semana”, directed by Bernat Lliteras and Orio Vila as DOP.
Teamworks filmed a few weeks ago in the Magic Box in Madrid with a celebrity.
Somos5 has been shooting its latest production in Madrid, Dire: Pipe Ybarra, Dop: Pablo Hernández, EP: Lidia Piñeiro, Producer: Sara Kieninger, Production manager Alberto Carrasco.
Smile publishes some BTS from a shooting that took place as follows: for video the Director was Marcus Soderlund and the DOP Charly Ritter and it was shot in Madrid in 2 days. And for photo the Director was Patrick Johäll and DOP Andreas Nilsson and it was shot in Madrid during 3 days.
Pueblo has produced the new Christmas Lottery spot “Yo también soy de aquí” (I’m from here too), for the summer 2023 campaign.
Palma Pictures shares photos from one of the last shoots they did in Mallorca. It was for a British TV channel with a UK agency and production company.
Oxígeno shows images of its latest project. Client: Caixabank ExperienceAgency: Manifiesto. Director: Pedro Pinto. DOP: Olmo Sobrino.
Mamma Team has produced a Secret Shoot in Malaga. Producers: Norma Marcos & Carli Genoud.
Lee Films with some BTS, reveals how was his last shooting with Agus Berruezo.
Igloo shows through these photographs how the production was made with David Triviño and Dentsu.
Fight shares some footage from the last service they did in Croatia, with the advertiser WOM.
Twentyfour Seven has made the new Budweiser spot with Leo Messi and director Loren Denis.
Last week Dos35 shot a project during MadCool with filmmaker Gabriel Alemán and Javier Delcerro for the agency TBWA.
Canada shares BTS from his latest project with Marc Oller for Catalunya en comu generals, shot in Barcelona.