On Tuesday the 5th we celebrated Environment Day, and Creast invites us to become aware of the importance of this day, as at this time everything that helps us to remember that we need to take care of our planet and adopt measures to protect it is especially relevant.
Creast’s mission is clear: to decarbonise the entertainment industry. To do this, they have developed a technology to reduce and measure the carbon footprint automatically, in real time and based on evidence. In the last 4 years, Creast has worked on more than 1,000 film, advertising, TV and event productions and has managed to avoid more than 1,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Every day more production companies, agencies and advertisers are joining the effort to mitigate climate change, reducing, measuring and compensating the environmental impact of their productions and events. It is important to extend this way of acting and that is why Creast collaborates with the APCP in the Spanish Party Cannes Lions 2023, sponsored by ICEX and APCP on 22 June. Creast assures that it is “a necessary action to bring together professionals from the sector and thus promote the Spanish and sustainable audiovisual industry”.