Aluzine, a company for the renting of lighting equipment for films and advertising that will sponsor the 10th Advertising Film Production Conference. As some of you may already know, they have three storehouses in Spain, and it has recently moved its headquarters to Madrid.
The renting company, in charge of most of the international service carried out in Spain, needed a larger space to store the infrastructure necessary to provide a good service for the productions and keep on attending its clients with the same quality we are used to seeing in Spanish cinema, tv and advertising productions.
The new Madrid headquarters are equipped to provide big services in a simultaneous way, complemented by local offices at the primary destinations for filming, like Barcelona, Canarias, Valencia or Malaga.
In addition, the company now has a testing area, training areas, resting areas and a showroom.
Apart from their lighting renting services for filming, Aluzine has also been distributing across the country international cutting-edge brands, like the magic of reflected light of the CRLS (a.k.a. Carlitos) from The Lightbridge or the best lighting balloons brand , the French Airstar.
Thanks to Airstar and the fantastic reception at this year’s summer events, like the display carried out by the latest edition of the Primavera Sound, Aluzine Events is born, the most ludic wing of the company to which you can resort whenever you need to light up an event.
Also, to provide a comprehensive filming service, Aluzine has also entered the virtual production industry. Contact them if you are in need of an affordable and sustainable budget related to mixed reality.
The Airstar lighting balloons are perfect for lighting protected architectural monuments, like palaces or cathedrals. Photography property of Aluzine Rentals.
The lighting company has carried out a double audit with the help of Mrs. Greenfilm and CREAST in order to fulfil the promise about which they told us a little bit about in advance a few months ago and to reduce as much as possible the carbon footprint in all phases of its company activities and in its relationships with clients and suppliers. You can now request Aluzine for your Green Choice to make your filming greener.
Behind the scenes of House of the Dragon, filmed in Spain with Equipos Aluzine. Property of HBO/Warner Media
You can keep up with the company’s fiction and advertising projects by following Aluzine’s social networks (link to https://www.instagram.com/aluzine/).
It is impossible to highlight some of the hundreds of advertising projects in which Aluzine has worked throughout a year, so we will simply tell you about Leo Burnett’s ‘Invaluable Food’, produced by Attic Films, for Madrid Fusión, National Grand Prix of Creativity #cdec2022.
Furthermore, Aluzine is now arriving to festivals, cinemas and platforms with their latest fiction projects: House of the Dragon, The Crown, Society of the Snow, As Bestas, Un año, una noche, The Route, Chinas or The English.
Amongst its latest music videos, we loved the one directed by the always-stimulating Eduardo Casanova for Alfred García.
You can get in contact with Aluzine to get the best budget for your next filming project.