Dani Fortuny y Clàudia Melo
We live in a tremendously individualistic and competitive society in which since childhood we have been hammered with the “you can do it” capitalist message that makes it difficult to ask for help or complain… because you can always “do a little more”. All of this resonates even more with the shock of the idyllic image of pregnancy and/or motherhood. The loneliness you feel because you don’t know if what you are going through or feeling is normal or “your fault”. It’s hard to talk about it and even harder when you are pregnant but fortunately I think we belong to a generation that is breaking the taboo and is beginning to call things by their name.
With this piece we intend to talk honestly about what this beastly change of life entails. Your life, the one that was, is not coming back and neither are you, the one you were, and a process of “mourning” is needed to digest it. This short film is born from the need to speak with courage, to reinvent ourselves, to accept the worst of ourselves so that it does not become entrenched or be transmitted from parents to children, it is born from the need to want to be a good reference for those to come.
We shot this project during my wife’s pregnancy. We decided that we wanted to leave a memory for our daughter about what Clàudia’s pregnancy had been like, taking advantage of the fact that she is an actress and I am a director.
We had the delivery deadline because we wanted to shoot with Claudia in an advanced state of pregnancy so we passed the script to Dani de la Orden and Ana Eiras (Playtime Movies) who took on the executive production of the project.
We wanted everything to be very real, the priority was to make the protagonist feel comfortable since all the narrative weight of the short film falls on her.
Román Martinez de Bujo (DOP) was 100% involved in the project from the beginning; I am lucky to have been working with him for 10 years in advertising and being able to join us in this has been an unforgettable experience.
Once the project was shot, Martin Kalina Primo also came on board to help us with all the post-production and distribution of the project.
The screening of the short film will take place on Saturday November 4th in Barcelona: