Miami Ad School: The most awarded school in the world

By June 18, 2021 News No Comments

From the APCP we feel very fortunate to count on Miami Ad School and above all, to be able to say that they are one of the great winners in Festival del Sol´s last edition, held in Madrid, last week.

The Young Creatives award, with which El Sol and Iberdrola value the talent of advertising students, has awarded with the Sol de Oro the work“Smart Stays”, carried out by students from Miami Ad School Madrid.


Students get from Miami Ad School, year after year, the most important national and international advertising awards. The One Show, Clio, Future Lion Cannes, D&AD, c de c, El Sol, and many more.


Miami Ad School is a network of creative advertising schools that combines education with real experience, where new talents are formed by instilling in their students the “doing to learn”, guided by the best professionals in the world of creative advertising, advertising design and technology and design.

In Miami Ad School Madrid they collaborate with universities and national and international associations such as: Solent University, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC), University of Creative Arts (UCA), London School of Design and Marketing, c de c, APG Spain, and also with the APCP.

We encourage you to visit their website and look for the multitude of possibilities within.

You can see some of their students’ award-winning work here.
