As we mentioned last week, we stayed in Cannes, and you know why. On Wednesday 14th July we were able to enjoy the presentation of the Who is Who Shooting in Spain 2021 Guide, organised by ICEX and of which the APCP is also a member.
The professional meeting, moderated by Miriam Fernández, could finally see the light with some very special guests: Teresa Azcona, vice-president of Spain Film Commission, Adrián Guerra, president of PROFILM, Vanessa Ruiz-Larrea, vice-president of ALIA; and Albert Soler, our APCP president.
The Marché du film hosted this event where we were able to learn more about this project, which brings our most precious location, Spain, closer to the rest of the international industry professionals. Facilitating and speeding up future projects that our country may host.
Albert was grateful for being part of this project and began by explaining what the APCP is all about.
“The APCP is an advertising association that brings together more than 44 companies. We are the only association for this purpose in Spain, so we occupy a large percentage of the sector in which we have been working for years”.
The APCP has doubled its membership in three years, and this is reflected in terms of quality. Hence the creation of a certificate granted by AENOR, which endorses the work of all the companies that make up the APCP.
“It is vitally important that we all participate in this industry and continue to work on projects such as this guide”.
Spain is on the crest of the wave and more and more international productions are choosing Spain as their location to shoot. So this guide is the A, B, C for all those who venture to choose us.
We are on our way to becoming one of the leading countries in advertising shootings. We need to be aware of our great treasure, as well as the direct benefits that the arrival of foreign productions in our country implies.
Finally, our president wanted to mention the public administrations, an important lever that helps the visibility of initiatives such as this guide, and that are a boost to the international sector.
Many thanks to all of you who took part in the presentation of the Who is Who Shooting in Spain guide, if there is one thing we never tire of repeating, it is that together we add up to more. Let’s not stop adding up and let’s join forces to continue working on great projects like this one.
Here you can get and download the guide.