Malaga, thank you for always welcoming our industry!

By June 14, 2021 News No Comments

On 9th June we celebrated our third Commercial Film Workshop organised at the Malaga Film Festival!

It was an emotional day as it was the first face-to-face activity of the APCP. We met again to talk and celebrate all that has been done in our industry and to continue building new ways and bridges of action and understanding within the different agents of the audiovisual sector.


The III Commercial Film Workshop in Malaga took place on 8th and 9th June. 

It began internally on the 8th June; a day on which many of our partner production companies carried out a scouting session with the Film Office of Malaga, where they presented new locations, regulations and incentives for shooting advertising films in the city.

We continued on 9th June with a programme open to those attending the Malaga Film Festival free of charge. In Room 3 of the Albéniz Cinema we dedicated the morning to talk, listen, be inspired and learn from great professionals.

We discussed diverse topics of interest to the sector such as: the local industry in Malaga; inspiration and technique with examples of recent successful commercials; the conditioning of age for women to work in the audiovisual industry; and the Brexit’s impact on advertising film in Spain.

We would like to thank the Festival, Málaga Film Office, our sponsors Aluzine, EPC and Bestours/Travel Producers, our collaborators ICEX – Spain Export and Investment, SchoolTraining and DeliFreshGo and all the speakers and attendees. 

The first round table started with Iñaki Villarias, Partner & Executive of Widescope; Jorge Sacristán, Director of Aluzine Málaga and gaffer; Belén Carrasco, Málaga Film Office; all moderated by Daniel Ortiz-Entrambasaguas, Producer of Danidogfilms.

Presented by Domi del Postigo, these great professionals, and connoisseurs of the sector, conveyed to us the importance of Malaga for advertising films, host to a number of film shoots year after year.

In the words of Belén Carrasco: “A lot of advertising films are produced in Malaga. This sector is an industry as it moves the economy and produces work. It is an economic activity that attracts international clients and crews and serves as a showcase for the world through television and tourism”.

The importance of the audiovisual sector in the economy of our country was emphasised; in particular the importance of commercial film which in turn links and nourishes various industries.

Another of the most important messages was the importance of training, the need for professionals with a passion for this industry, with the ability to react and adapt, as working times are very short and very intense.

The Malaga Film Office also highlighted the commitment to sustainability through its joint initiative with the City Council, Promalaga and the Environment Department. 

The conference continued with three other presentations:

3 +1 Session

Adriana Piquet, General Director of the APCP was in charge of opening the second session of the conference, where she was excited to present the first APCP event on-site.

Two of APCP’s most awarded and talented members told how they produced their successful spots: “Mediterráneamente / Acto I: Alma” for Estrella Damm and “Con mucho acento” for Cruzcampo.

The room was filled with applause and emotion at the presentations by Toni Moreno (Executive Producer of Agosto) and Pablo García (Executive Producer of Primo Content) and the splendid works presented.

How does the age of women influence the profession? Fifty and…?

Five great women were the protagonists of the round table discussion, greatness extolled over the years that makes them wiser and more eager, if possible, to continue to go further.

Victoria Reig (Creative Director of L’Oreal McCann), Marisa Rodríguez (Audiovisual Production Director) and Cristina Plazas (Actress); moderated by Leo Solanes (Director and Executive Creative Producer of Solanes Films) and all of them presented by Montse Ogalla (Producer and Production Director. Av2Media Films/SchoolTraining. Member of the Mujeres en V.O. collective).

The emotion remained alive in the Albéniz Cinema throughout the session, in which each of the participants made it clear that the most important thing is to inspire, to serve as inspiration and not to be pigeonholed by “ageism”.

The impact of Brexit on industry in Spain

The event culminated with a didactic round table with important personalities from the sector and the administration such as:

  • Cristina Morales,VP for the Regulation of Audiovisual Communication Services. Directorate General for Telecommunications and Organisation of Audiovisual Communication Services. Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure.
  • Rafael Fuentes Candau, Provincial Director of Trade and ICEX in Malaga
  • Josep María Alhama Mirabete, Business Travel Director of Bestours/Travel Producers

The round table was presented by María Jesús Horcajuelo (CEO Executive Producer Only 925/Teamworks and Vice President APCP); and Gordon Mackinnon (Managing Partner at Twentyfour Seven) was the moderator of this session that had a great participation from the audience with questions and suggestions to each of the participants.

We were able to see that advertising film is increasingly understood and respected, as it moves the economy, generates employment and propels our country within and beyond our borders.


To round off the event, the Director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar, closed the III Commercial Film Workshop at the Malaga Film Festival by thanking the quality of the round tables and the conversations that took place, and affirming the invitation to hold a fourth edition in 2022.

From the Spanish Association of Advertising Producers (APCP) we are proud and grateful for the welcome that Malaga always gives to our industry, with the support and the desire to continue working together.
