Madrid, the engine of audiovisual advertising production in Europe

By January 19, 2024 News No Comments

According to Madrid Film Office, in 2023 the city of Madrid hosted more than 410 commercials, in addition to 41 films and 55 series. Madrid has established itself as an epicenter of audiovisual production in Europe, in 2023 with impressive filming figures, due to the more than 930 projects carried out in this last year and the large scale carrying out filming on public roads, representing an increase of 8% compared to 2022.

During 2023, the Madrid City Council managed a total of 11,133 requests for filming on public roads through the Filming Authorization Department of the Environment and Mobility Area. This was explained by Álvaro de la Vega a few weeks ago, who received the APCP Producers’ Award.

This number exceeds the 10,849 applications processed in 2022. Of these requests, 39% corresponded to permits with space occupation, aimed at medium and large crews, while 61% were communicated events, free of charge and for smaller crews.

Madrid Film Office registered a 17% increase in specific assistance in 2023, with more than 3,272, consolidating its key role in the promotion of Madrid’s audiovisual sector. The Madrid City Council managed 11,133 requests for filming on public roads, surpassing the 10,849 in 2022. The city was the setting for 41 films, 55 series and more than 410 commercials, with a total of 930 projects, 8% more than in 2022.

In addition, it sponsored 7 events in 2023 and participated in 14 internationally renowned audiovisual festivals and markets, such as the European Film Market and the Marché du Film, as well as Conecta Fiction, Iberseries, Ventana Sur or FITUR (Madrid) among others, contributing to consolidate Madrid’s position in the global film scene.

The office intensified its focus on screen tourism and the promotion of audiovisual heritage. It supported more than 584 projects, an increase of 17%, providing assistance in location scouting, permit management and mediation between agencies. Of the total, 66 projects were international and 518 national, covering series, films, commercials, documentaries and television programs. Many of these projects were filmed in 2023, and others are scheduled for 2024.

Madrid Film Office provides comprehensive support to the audiovisual sector, not only by facilitating filming permits, but also by promoting the visibility of Madrid as a film set. This commitment seeks to stimulate the development of projects and support the Madrid industry.
