- Countdown to El Sol – Have you seen their promotional video produced by PRIMO?
- Last week with special rates to register for El Ojo 2022
- AICP Week 2022 kicks off on Tuesday 7 June at Base Camp
- Relive the c de c 2022
- Countdown to El Sol – Have you seen their promotional video produced by PRIMO?
The agency led by Germán Silva signs the pieces for the 36th edition of El Sol to be held on 2 June at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid – The campaign focuses on the festival’s return to normality after two years of pandemic.
The creative boutique PINK has signed the campaign for the 36th edition of El Sol, which will be held next Thursday 2 June at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid. The piece focuses on the return to normality of the most prestigious advertising festival in Ibero-America after two years of pandemic at half throttle.
For one minute and twenty seconds we observe the incandescent, human-like El Sol back on Earth as he performs such mundane activities as watching a film, eating popcorn, getting a haircut, looking in a shop window or taking a walk, in an environment practically empty of people, a metaphor for the return of El Sol after a convulsive and complex two-year pandemic period.
“‘Taking on this campaign was a tremendously ambitious challenge. It was a simple idea: to personify El Sol and bring him back to earth. However, executing it was complicated. Fortunately we were able to convince the production company PRIMO, its director Dani Fortuny, Dani Trujillo to create the soundtrack and Metropolitana to develop all the post-production of the project, undoubtedly the most delicate and complex part. A project of more than three months of hard work and a lot of talent that has finally seen the light”, according to Germán Silva, CEO of PINK.
The 36th edition will continue to vindicate creativity as a transforming force and business driver. All the activities will take place in person and the awards ceremony will be held at the Teatro Circo Price.
The festival will open with a talk by Pablo Purón, member of Boa Mistura, who in his conference “Art as a tool for change”, will take us on a journey through some of the projects that have defined the path of this artistic collective since its origins in 2001.
Then, the musicians Marta Verde and José Venditti, in their talk/concert “Imagining new realities through sound art and visual abstraction”, will share how they approach joint projects and will present Omen, their latest live audiovisual work, where they try to transform reality and imagine possible futures through sound and visual abstraction.
For his part, Mariano Sigman, co-founder and Executive Chairman of Sigmind, in his talk “Being creative with ourselves” will try to demolish self-imposed beliefs by experimenting with creativity so that attendees can appreciate that it is possible to improve or transform anything and at any time in life.
Afterwards, the designer Alejandro Gómez Palomo, creative director of Palomo Spain, and the writer and biographer Jacobo Bergareche will talk about how a small village with many festive traditions (carnival, fairs, processions) and an environment of exuberant nature have nourished the creativity of the designer during his childhood, and how he, over the years and after returning from his studies in London, has given back to his village in a transformative way much of the creative energy he received from this place.
Next, Andrés Reisinger, Founder & Creative Director of Reisinger Studio, in his talk “The Art of Recombination” explores the possibilities of digital art, the connection to the physical world and reflects on the concept of evolving works. His initiatives provide a novel approach to collecting and creating art through a transformative process, which has resulted in what he defined as Recombinant Art.
The programme will be closed by Daniel García, CEO of Polygonal Mind and CryptoAvatars, with his conference “New blank canvas, the Metaverse”, in which he will delve into this virtual world to offer attendees all its keys and discover a digital world full of possibilities.
36Hz Talks: creatives with superpowers to transform and be transformed
In addition, El Sol has established a collaboration with Más Mujeres Creativas and its initiative UnaDeDos to carry out a series of interventions starring future creative leaders, which will be included in the conference programme. Thus, Pepa García, senior copywriter at Publicis España, in her talk “When I grew up I wanted to be an intern” will answer the question “Being a boss in what you don’t like or an apprentice in what you do like? Teresa Muñoz Rubio, art director of Proximity Madrid, in her talk “I am creative, I transform myself”, will address the narrowing of the now obsolete profiles used by agencies to define their members; and Cristina Alonso del Río, creative director of LLYC, will reflect on how the feminist struggle has been used in advertising in her conference “Feminism makes me lazy”.
The awards gala will take place at 18:30 and, to round off the day and celebrate the closing of this new edition of the festival, Medias Puri will be the epicentre of the El Sol party, an event that will facilitate networking among professionals in the sector.
- Last week with special rates to register for El Ojo 2022
El Ojo de Iberoamérica prepares to celebrate 25 years with Latin American creativity
After two successful online editions in 2020 and 2021 to take care of ourselves and the health restrictions derived from the pandemic, El Ojo announces that the time has come to get together again in person, and to confirm that “every time we get together we put together something interesting”. It will also be the moment to embrace each other, and to celebrate face to face the 25th anniversary of the international festival with a Latin look at the most important creativity on the planet. El Ojo not only returns to the on-site format, but it does so on the usual dates of early November. This year the event will take place on the 9th, 10th and 11th in the city of Buenos Aires, so the Ideas Registration process and its judging will also be brought forward, so the organisers recommend that you register your work as early as possible, as well as planning your trip to Buenos Aires in advance.
We are getting ready to experience a new edition of El Ojo de Iberoamérica, the most important global event for Latin American creativity, where INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION and ENCOUNTER are combined with awards and recognition for the best professionals, companies and ideas in the region and a series of Conferences and Workshops with the participation of leading figures from the communications and entertainment industry at regional and global level.
El Ojo, as every year, offers a unique possibility for companies, through the Early Bird Registration System, to organise and optimise their budgets and ensure the presence of their most outstanding work and the best professionals at the event that recognises the best Latin creativity in the world.
The advantage of the Early Bird System is that it allows companies to guarantee the participation of a certain number of their ideas/cases in the festival, paying for them in advance and then, when the online registration stage opens, select the pieces that will be part of the competition. In other words, they can register today, receive important discounts and then decide -from 1 June- which pieces they will present.
In addition, considering the current context, El Ojo will once again have special registration fees to support the industry in this very delicate moment we are going through. In addition, to help optimise the budgets of each company, we will maintain the possibility of registering with the BOOK format.
A BOOK is a packet of pieces at a preferential price according to the number of pieces registered, which will allow them to participate in the awards for Ibero-America and automatically in El Ojo +Mujeres and also in the Best Country Idea Award of El Ojo Local. We have two formats: STANDARD and the new PREMIUM.
– STANDARD BOOK: Individual pieces can participate in all the awards available for 2022, except El Tercer Ojo and El Ojo Eficacia. There will be a choice of 5 options: BOOK 5, BOOK 10, BOOK 15, BOOK 20 or BOOK 30 corresponding to 5, 10, 15, 15, 20 or 30 pieces, respectively.
– BOOK PREMIUM: Individual pieces and campaigns can participate in all available 2022 awards including El Tercer Ojo and El Ojo Eficacia and you can choose between 4 options and for each one the amount of individual pieces will be defined as the campaigns or works for El Tercer Ojo/ El Ojo Eficacia. Book 10 includes: 8 individual pieces and 2 campaigns or El Tercer Ojo/El Ojo Eficacia, Book 15: 12 pieces and 3 campaigns or El Tercer Ojo/El Ojo Eficacia, Book 20: 16 pieces and 4 campaigns or El Tercer Ojo/El Ojo Eficacia and Book 30: 24 individual pieces and 6 campaigns or El Tercer Ojo/El Ojo Eficacia.
For this year, El Ojo will present the following Awards: Film, Graphic, Radio & Audio, Outdoor, Digital & Social, Media, Direct, Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Design, Sustainable, Sports, Content, El Tercer Ojo, Innovation, Creative Data, Effectiveness, Best Latin Idea for the World, Audiovisual Production, El Ojo Young Filmmakers, Audio & Sound Production, Graphic Production, and the special award El Ojo + Women (Creative and Filmmakers). All participating pieces will also contribute to define the Local and Regional Performance Awards 2022.
- AICP Week 2022 begins on June 7th at Base Camp.
AICP Week 2022 begins on June 7th at Base Camp.
Base Camp is the gathering place for AICP Week guests. Attendees with AICP Week All Access Passes are welcome at the Base Camp to view screenings, attend a series of industry-relevant discussions, charge up devices, grab a snack or beverage, and meet with friends and colleagues.
Tuesday, June 7th will feature a trio of conversations centered on AICP’s goals and commitments to creating a more accesible and equitable industry.
June 7th: 12:45pm – 1:15pm | Base Camp – Angelika Film Center Theater 3
Meet AICP’s New VP of Equity & Inclusion
Matt Miller, President & CEO of AICP, and Tabitha Mason-Elliott, Partner/Head of Production at BARK BARK and Chairperson of the AICP Equity & Inclusion Committee introduce Sheila R. Brown, AICP’s new VP, Equity & Inclusion. Sheila is joining AICP to furthers its goals and commitments to creating a more accessible and equitable industry. The conversation will focus on current accomplishments and building on success.
June 7th: 1:15pm – 1:30pm | Base Camp – Angelika Film Center Theater 3
The Commercial Directors Diversity Program (CDDP) Report Card: An Update
The CDDP’s mission is to foster awareness and increase directing opportunities for women and other under-represented directors in the commercial production industry through a targeted program of outreach, mentorship, and exposure. Tamika Lamison, Executive Director of CDDP, and Roxanne Artesona, Owner, Roxanneandco and a member of the CDDP Advisory Board, will give an overview of the program and its impact.
June 7th: 1:45pm – 2:30pm | Base Camp – Angelika Film Center Theater 3
Equity & Inclusion: An Industry-wide Roundtable
Across the advertising and marketing spectrum, commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion have proliferated. Providing access and opportunity to those historically underrepresented in the production and post production space is a priority for AICP members and their agency and advertiser partners. This roundtable includes AICP’s E&I leadership and some of the most active Advertising Agency Heads of Production in this space. The conversation will focus on success stories, ideas for the future, and the importance of working together to affect change.
Participants include:
Nathy Aviram, Chief Production Officer, McCann
Tabitha Mason-Elliott, Parter/Head of Production, BARK BARK and Chairperson of the AICP Equity & Inclusion Committee
Lora Schulson, Director of Production, 72andSunny
David Rolfe, Global Head of Production, WPP
Discussion Leader: Sheila R. Brown, VP, Equity & Inclusion, AICP
Click Here to view the full AICP Week/Base Camp Schedule.
Click Here for Registration Options.
- Relive c of c 2022
If you want to see again a speech that inspired you, or if there is one that you missed and now you finally have a moment to listen to it, here you can see all the contents of C Day 2022.
Domingo Corral, Miss Beige, Óscar Hormigos, Roberto Romero, Fernando Odriozola, Ricardo Llavador, Boaz Paldi, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Paco Conde, Realmente Bravo, Daniele Fiandaca, Nils Leonard, Sally Campbell, Ana Rujas, Claudia Costafreda, Miguel Olivares, Iván Redondo, Mónica Moro, Matt Jacobson, Sue Young and Gaby Scardaccione. And of course, the gala presentation of the National Creativity Awards 2022 and the c de c de Honor to Concha Wert.
If you had a ticket for the event, you will have free access to all the presentations here.
If you didn’t have a ticket, but want to see everything, you can buy a “post-event ticket” here, at a reduced price from €10.