From the idea to the spot: do you want to know what happened behind the scenes of the campaign of the 11th Advertising Film Production Conference ?

By September 29, 2023 APCP Conference, News No Comments

After presenting the official spot of the 11th Conference on Advertising Film Production, we want to share the behind the scenes with you.

We wanted to tell you more, so we have spoken with a member of the production team who was there during the filming. He explains that they spent a day filming in a farrowing pen in Alcabón (Toledo), where there were two sows giving birth. The piglets at the end of the spot are actually from another sow that farrowed the day before filming.

One of the curiosities of the filming was the hygiene protocol that the crew had to follow to avoid the access of external agents to the farrowing pen. The whole team took showers to disinfect themselves and dressed in special overalls before filming.
