Imagine browsing through your social networks when, suddenly, you come across a surreal image: a huge bottle of Tanqueray 0.0% held by a crane is pouring the alcohol-free gin over the iconic Schweppes sign in Plaza de Callao while a helicopter brings in a giant ice cube. How do you feel? Well, this is the result of a fusion of CGI (computer-generated imagery) technology, artificial intelligence and Dos35 production.
The project has had an incredible technical team, including the media agency PHD Media, the advertiser Diageo and the production company Dos35. The challenge consisted in the creation of a Fake OOH (Fake Out Of Home), a simulated outdoor advertising based on creating spots mixing reality with fantasy, creating striking and captivating images integrated into the real world.
We talked to Javier Jimeno, Creative Lead at PHD Media, the media agency that claims to be the “most creative, innovative and strategic agency in a world of data and technology”.
How did the idea of creating a campaign with Fake OOH come about?
From the Diageo PHD and Innovation& Creativity teams we always try to make special actions as innovative as possible and we love this digital trend. After proactively presenting it to Úrsula Mejía, Marketing Director at Diageo, together we found the place, time and sum of elements that would make it all make sense: the so-called perfect serve of Tanqueray 0,0 and Schweppes in a place as iconic as the Carrión building in Gran Vía. It’s something that only this brand could do in that place, so it came very naturally.
What were the creative challenges involved in applying simulated outdoor advertising in this project?
What we tried to do at all times was to balance between realism and spectacularity. On the one hand, we wanted people to wonder if what they were seeing had really happened, and on the other hand, we wanted it to be very surprising. The most interesting fake OOHs are those that are very well integrated with the site and interact with the elements.
In terms of impact on the public, have the expected objectives been achieved? And how has the public responded?
The objectives were so far exceeded that we were quite surprised.In less than a week, more than 8 million people had already been reached, of which almost 1.5 million interacted in some way with the publications. But when you look at the metrics you discover that we have achieved the highest engagement rate and the highest VTR in the company’s history, so we couldn’t be happier with the result.
What has it been like working with the Dos35 team?
It doesn’t matter what project we embark on with them.We have an incredible chemistry that quickly turns problems into solutions. The crazier the project you propose to them the more fun they have, even though permits, timings and budgets tend to be a real headache. We only work with partners with a vision aligned with ours because that’s the only way to get the best possible results while all parties involved are smiling.
How do you see the future of the Fake OHH trend? Couldn’t it pose a risk to the principle of veracity?
Undoubtedly in the fake outdoor is more descriptive the fake than the outdoor. It is still a CGI video like so many others created in advertising since the nineties, but it seems out of home because of that combination of reality and fiction and the result is so attractive that the audience buys the story.At the end of the day, it’s fun to get carried away with sci-fi creativity.
Integrating CGI and reality, what specific technical challenges did you face?
We would never have been able to get the permits, or the budget, or any other aspect to consider to carry out the idea if it wasn’t for CGI. It is literally the impossible made possible.
That’s why the fake ooh is so interesting. It’s pushing physical boundaries so that the imagination can flow without limits. The biggest challenge was to find a production team and VFX artist who could make the scene believable and could do it in record time and, fortunately, we did it with Dos35.That’s speaking for them, but I would say that the biggest technical challenge was to recreate the big gin splash in a hyper-realistic way.
What has this campaign contributed to the brand perception of this drink?
Well, in Madrid brand awareness has gone up 11 points and Word of Mouth 6 points. At the national level, one point in each case. I think the tandem Diageo and PHD Media are positioning Tanqueray 0.0 very well and this kind of actions prove it.
Would you change any aspect for future similar projects?
Not really. This is one of those projects in which everything has gone smoothly. So I can only wish that there will be many more like it.