- APCP WEEK is the perfect time to acknowledge the value of music and post-production
The time for the 10th edition of the Advertising Film Production Conference is coming closer, so we want to tell you all about the latest news.
This year, our customary round table about music will be led by artists that lived in Valencia throughout the 80’s and experienced the ‘Movida Valenciana’. Come visit us this 30th of September and get to know this scene through the eyes of Fran Lenaers and Luis Costa.
The interview will be carried out by Coloma Fernándex Armer, CEO of the production company OEO. Her experience in the music and production scene makes her the perfect moderator for this occasion.
Fran Lenaers, one of the speakers, will tell us about his experiences as a DJ during the 80’s. Meanwhile, Luis Costa, the other speaker and author of the book Bacalao!: Oral History of dance music in Valencia 1980-1995, will rigorously describe to us those wonderful and wild years.
But there is more! This week we can also give you some details about another one of our talks, ‘The Importance of Post-Production’, where the relevance of the same will be acknowledged.
The moderator will be Mª Jesús Horcajuelos (Founder and Executive from Only 925), who will be in charge of starting the dialogue between the following group of professionals:
Ramón Arteman (Director of Metropolitana), Dani Espinet (Co-Founder of BSO, Composer & Sound Designer), Mariluz Chamizo (Audiovisual Production Director at TBWA), Oriol Puig (Executive Creative, Director & CoFounder of TRIZZ) David Alcalde (Director of ADDP) and Pablo Pérez-Payá (Senior Production Consultant & Business Leader at MurphyCobb & Associates).
Do not forget to acknowledge your value at the end of this month together with the APCP while enjoying the fusion between rhythm and production, and discovering the relevance of post-production.
- Inspirational ‘22 delays its applications deadline
The Inspirational Awards, that will take place the 17th and 18th of October, have delayed the deadline to sign up for their competition to the 19th of September. This date, which was initially established on the 14th of September, marks the last day to sign up for the competition.
This hybrid event will reward the most creative campaigns in the advertising industry and will become a meeting point for producers, companies and experts. The tickets to assist are already available.
The scheduled conferences will be held at the Cines Proyecciones in Madrid; however, the talks will be online.
- Finding out who are the finalists of the Premios Eficacia
The Awards, whose winner will be announced on the 4th of December, have been revealing little by little who will be the judges for this edition. Amongst the latest to be unveiled we find Jenny Glover (Chief Creative Officer at Juniper Park\TBWA), Lisa Greenberg (from Leo Burnett Toronto), Ian Mackenzie (from Performance Art) and Rob Galluzzo (CEO of FINCH).
These are the latest incorporations to the international jury, which will be made up of experts from the advertising industry, who will have the goal of finding the best campaigns in the world. A task for which the handing of a maximum of five projects is fundamental.
- El Ojo de Iberoamérica unveils who will participate in its conferences
After the closing of the period to submit applications this week, El Ojo de Iberoamérica has started the process of introducing the participants of its Conference Cycles.
Little by little, we got to find out who some of the participating professionals are, and this week Fábio Baracho (Marketing VP at AB InBev Grupo Modelo Mexico), Gustavo Lauría (Co-Founder and CCO of We Believers), Ben Williams (Global Chief Experience Officer at TBWA Worldwide) and Joakim Borgström (Chief Creative Officer Global of BBH) have joined the group.
Thanks to their experience, each one of them will contribute with a new perspective about the most popular advertising formats nowadays, while keeping creativity and technology in mind in order to boost the reach of the campaigns.
Companies interested in participating with their best ideas will have until the 19th of September to sign up online and confirm their participation in the competition of this 2022 El Ojo de Iberoamérica. Members of the APCP will benefit from a 20% discount to participate. Click the link and sign up: https://inscripcion.elojodeiberoamerica.com/.
- Best!N Auto y Best!N Travel
Soon, two categories of the Best Awards will be held: Best!N Auto y Best!N Travel.
The deadline to sign in and hand in your projects for Best!iN Auto is the 30th of September. Meanwhile, its Marketing Summit and Awards Ceremony will be held on the 3rd of November in Madrid.
On the other hand, the time to send your projects for the Best!iN Travel ends the 14th of October, and the Marketing Summit and the Awards Ceremony for this category will take place the 1st of December, also in Madrid.
- Presenting The Immortal Awards’ jury
The Immortal Awards have tried to avoid conventionalisms since they were created, rewarding young innovation and talent. But, who will be in charge of deciding who deserves to make it to the shortlist?
The Awards, whose winners will be unveiled the 4th of December, has been gradually unveiling who will be this edition’s judge. Amongst the latest reveals we can find Jenny Glover (Chief Creative Officer in Juniper Park\TBWA), Lisa Greenberg (from Leo Burnett Toronto), Ian Mackenzie (from Performance Art) or Rob Galluzzo (FINCH’s CEO).
These are the latest incorporations to the international jury, made up of experts from the advertising industry, who will have the objective of finding the best campaigns in the world. A task for which the submitting of a maximum of five projects is essential.