Interview of Hawai Films: excellence and love in every project

By January 19, 2024 News No Comments

Ana Gil, Executive Producer of Hawai Films

From creative dedication and service vocation, everything they produce is transformed into something exceptional. That is why the focus of their work is based on photographic experience and production in both Spain and Portugal. Hawai Films produces national and international advertising content and photography campaigns. They also have a team of exceptional directors, photographers and specialists. They recently confessed to us that they want to be part of the creation of pieces in which the message leaves a lasting and meaningful impression on the viewer.

They have been the latest to join the APCP family, so we want to bring you a little closer to their work. We talked to Ana Gil, Executive Producer of Hawai Films.

In advertising filmmaking, creative dedication is key. Since you started, how have you faced the different challenges you have faced throughout your professional career?

The reality is that we started as amateurs in terms of creativity. Our background, both my partner Ivan and mine, came from the technical side of national and service shootings. We had a lot of experience as Production Managers in big film and advertising shoots, but honestly no experience in the assignment processes of the projects, … but we had something in common, an excessive passion for advertising. We spent and still spend hours watching commercials, video clips, strange content, and commenting on who is the director, the production company, where they think they have shot, what location is that that does not ring a bell, I love that DOP, how the hell that shot has been shot, …. I think that excitement and curiosity, the desire to learn, study and soak up everything (agencies, competition, clients, directors, international market, …. ), having the ambition to be part of that creative elite, tenacity (because there are big disappointments along the way until they start to know you), a great technical and budgetary experience, which is so important and is being lost, and care, is what has marked us to face the challenges that we have come along our path.

What do you consider to be your specialty or strong point as a company in the production of service?

We are very clear about several things; you have to know and understand the service processes so that it is not a disaster (beware of offering something that you cannot give), the vocation of service (it is true; we are a bit like a boutique hotel; I think it is important to make the team feel comfortable when they come), and finally, the importance of understanding where the client comes from. A team coming from China is not the same as a team coming from England, for example. Their cultures and therefore, their needs and even the aesthetics with which they intend to shoot a spot, are totally different. Therefore, never generalize. Each shoot is very different.

You have worked with Adidas, Xiaomi, Gucci, Loewe… What do you consider to be the main task of Hawai Films when working with such well-known international brands?

Empathy at all levels to bring the project to what they expect and need. It’s not our project. It’s theirs and we are there to help them make it a success.

You have to understand the brand well; have a fairly deep knowledge of what they shoot and what their aesthetics are so that they see in you a good partner. Do not arrive without studying. In addition, generate a good communication with the Producer on the other side. This figure is essential to help you understand all the needs and processes they have in the brand since they are your communication channel. You have to listen to them.

What project to date (national or international) do you consider has left a lasting impression for Hawai Films?

Without a doubt, the Estrella Galicia national project “Prohibido Bajar los Brazos”. Although we had already won some awards with a documentary about trans kids and with some music videos, this was our first multi-awarded project in the international advertising circuit. It was very exciting to win the project and then produce it.

What differences do you see between doing your work in Spain and Portugal?

In Portugal there are some really interesting locations, teams with a very similar spirit to here and also, … I’m not going to fool you, the rates, …. well more affordable …. so sometimes when there are certain needs and there is availability of reliable teams, it is always a very interesting option. But I also have to say that the variety that exists in Spain in terms of locations and the quality and attitude of the technicians is far superior. Not for nothing, but really, in Spain we are so “cracks”.

Are you planning to open your horizons by exploring other genres? How do you see yourselves in the future?

Yes, we are now preparing a new division exclusively oriented to network content (and also very oriented to sport network content) which is going to be called Aloha; we are very excited about it.

Although we will always be defenders and makers of a good advertising spot, one of those that make your hair stand on end or make you die laughing, we have to be realistic, and advertising is moving towards that post, that photo, that story, … towards more ephemeral and more agile content that generates comments and virality. And we must also understand them and give them their value. We must not be left behind. Aloha will be that laboratory that who knows where it will take us.

The future is becoming more and more digital, although I have the feeling and hope that there will always be the author and good ideas, so we must resign ourselves to what is yet to come and always look for excellence and the fun and explore the fun part of these novelties.

Interview by Carla Lara and Marina Carazo
